Text Formatting


J2O uses two systems for formatting text in dynamic content areas. The first is the familiar BBcode from J2Ov1:



The second system, called Textile, is a versatile formatting system that should replace most needs for HTML. It is slightly more complicated than BBcode, but you can do much more with it. Below is basic documentation for Textile. You can read the full documentation, as well as test things, at the Textile homepage.

Phrase Modifiers

Textile provides some easy symbols for formatting parts of text, or "phrases".

-deleted text-deleted
+inserted text+inserted
@code@computer code

These are fairly self-explanatory, except for the last one. The % symbols denote a "span", which is simply a way of distinguishing a block of text. Why is it useful, then? It is useful because you can apply formatting to that block with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). CSS is a formatting system for HTML that lets you customize virtually every aspect of text. There is plenty of information on CSS available on the Internet, but a few examples are shown below. CSS attributes are placed in braces {} right after the % symbol.

%{color: green;}Green text!%Green text!
%{font-size: 1cm; font-weight: bold;}Big text!%Big text!
%{text-decoration: overline; letter-spacing: 0.2cm;}Overline and spacing!%Overline and spacing!

There are several other "phrase" modifiers that are slightly more complicated.

"Jazz2Online(A great site!)":http://www.jazz2online.comJazz2Online
!/J2Ov2/media/about/labrat.gif(Lab Rat)!Lab Rat

Textile can also be disabled for a phrase:

==This _will_ *not* be @parsed@ by Textile==This _will_ *not* be @parsed@ by Textile

Block Modifiers

In addition to phrases, Textile can also format "blocks". A block is a section of text, such as a paragraph, header, or block quote. This is done by starting a line with a character sequence. Blocks are separated by empty lines. Block modifiers are not very useful for small posts, but they can be used to format articles and longer posts quite nicely. Almost everything is detailed in the following example.

h2. Sample Document

p. This is a paragraph in the sample document. Lorem ipsum dolor sit anret. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The rain in Spain falls gently on the plain.

bq. This is a block quote. Block quotes are indented sections of text, usually long quotations from another source.

Here is another paragraph. Paragraphs are automatically created, and don't need the "p." at the beginning unless they need formatting, like the next two.

p=. This paragraph is centered. Notice the = sign.

p>{color: red;}. This paragraph is aligned right (with the > sign) and has a CSS attribute to make it red.

# Here's the first item in a numbered list.
# And the second
# And so on...

* You can also do non-numbered lists.
* Like this.
* And so on...

#{list-style-type: none; padding: 0; background: silver; border: 1px solid black; width: 50%; margin: auto} Lists can also
# have CSS attributes
# just like this!

And here's a final paragraph.

Sample Document

This is a paragraph in the sample document. Lorem ipsum dolor sit anret. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The rain in Spain falls gently on the plain.

This is a block quote. Block quotes are indented sections of text, usually long quotations from another source.

Here is another paragraph. Paragraphs are automatically created, and don’t need the “p.” at the beginning unless they need formatting, like the next two.

This paragraph is centered. Notice the = sign.

This paragraph is aligned right (with the > sign) and has a CSS attribute to make it red.

  1. Here’s the first item in a numbered list.
  2. And the second
  3. And so on…
  • You can also do non-numbered lists.
  • Like this.
  • And so on…
  1. Lists can also
  2. have CSS attributes
  3. just like this!

And here’s a final paragraph.

Alignment modifiers for blocks are as follows.

p<. This paragraph is left-aligned.This paragraph is left-aligned.
h4>. Right-aligned header

Right-aligned header

h4=. Centered header

Centered header

p<>. This paragraph is justified. This means that each line is of equal width, like a newspaper. Notice that the spacing varies on each line, to equalize the width.This paragraph is justified. This means that each line is of equal width, like a newspaper. Notice that the spacing varies on each line, to equalize the width.


Tables are the most complicated things in Textile, but they're also the most complicated things in HTML. If you understand HTML tables, this will be easy, but even if you don't know HTML you can look at the examples and explanations and experiment in the test area.


This is a table
with no special modifiers
to change its appearance

|\2. With cells spanning|\2. multiple rows|
|\2/3. and multiple columns|\2. using the '\'|
|\2. and '/' modifiers|
|\2. on individual cells|

This is another table
With cells spanning multiple rows
and multiple columns using the ’\’
and ’/’ modifiers
on individual cells

|_. This|_. Table|_. Has|_. Headers|
|{background-color: blue}. cells|and|{background-color:green}. even|entire|
{background-color: silver}. |\4. rows|

This Table Has Headers
And CSS attributes on
cells and even entire

Classes and IDs

Textile provides a way of using the existing CSS attributes of a site. This is with classes and IDs, which specify parts of the stylesheet. Here are several examples that work on J2O.