One day, as I was growing up in Japan, I realized that FS is a very mysterious fellow. I was interested in knowing more about him, and I figured the community would want to know more about him, too. Well, tough luck, because you aren’t going to dig that much relevant information from this. ;p
Here it is……
ßlänk Ñïñjà says:
FireSword, who are you against in life?
FireSworD says:
Do you mean a partciular person or celebrity?
ßlänk Ñïñjà says:
FireSworD says:
Oooh tough one, well nobody I can think of right now, I try not to hold dislike towards humans, it’s futile.
ßlänk Ñïñjà says:
Let me put it this way….Are you more against Britney Spears, or are you more against Hitler?
FireSworD says:
Well, Hitler doesn’t exist anymore, though it’s tempting to say Britney Spears, I’d just have to say Hitler.
ßlänk Ñïñjà says:
I see.
ßlänk Ñïñjà says:
Tell me, have you ever felt like you’ve been chewing on tin foil?
ßlänk Ñïñjà says:

(in other words, really, really bad,)
FireSworD says:
FireSworD says:

(I’m not a very witty person, try more jj2 related questions ;P)
ßlänk Ñïñjà says:
I’m getting to that. ;p
ßlänk Ñïñjà says:
What year was it that you started playing JJ2? Or any Jazz Jackrabbit game, for that matter. I guess I’m asking how long you’ve been in the community.
FireSworD says:
JJ1 since 1994, it wasn’t my favorite at the time, though (I was more into OMF: 2097, Commander Keen…). The JJ2 community, however is hard to say, I’ve been making levels since late 1999 and even have some on J2C under the name “Opar”, but I didn’t play online at the time. I then decided to join the community in 2001, off to a very rough start since this was the very first one I’ve joined.
ßlänk Ñïñjà says:
I see. OMF: 2097 was a great game. Other than what you previously mentioned, and JJ2, of course, what video/computer games do you most enjoy?
FireSworD says:
I’m mostly a retro gamer like Scizor CT, todays games just don’t intrest me as much, even though the graphics and technology are so much more advanced.
FireSworD says:
I enjoy games like Descent3 and JK2 sometimes.
ßlänk Ñïñjà says:
I know how you feel. (I love Descent3.)
ßlänk Ñïñjà says:
FS, if I were to kiss you, would you understand I was simply being European?
FireSworD says:
If it was in europe. l however wouldn’t want to be kissed otherwise.
ßlänk Ñïñjà says:
I feel very much the same. Glad we agree on that.
ßlänk Ñïñjà says:
Tell me, during your time in the JJ2 commuity, has there been anyone that truly inspired you?
FireSworD says:
Nope, I’m just basicly here for the game. If I was here for the community I would be on the JCF and #jj2 a lot more.
ßlänk Ñïñjà says:
Gotcha. (Of course, I know you mean that I have been a tramendous inspiration to you.)
ßlänk Ñïñjà says:
The world is dying to know, what type of music do you like to listen to?
FireSworD says:
Jazz, some Rock music (not the real hard core kind), and game music.
ßlänk Ñïñjà says:
Ah. Good tastes.
ßlänk Ñïñjà says:
Before we wrap up this interview, is there anything you’d like to say to the community?
FireSworD says:
As you can tell I’ve been raised on the computer since I was 4 ;P
ßlänk Ñïñjà says:

(As was I. ;p)
FireSworD says:
Uh, not really, I’ll just say it’s very interesting, addictive (For some), and a good place to find good (and bad) comedians.
ßlänk Ñïñjà says:
Never in this game have I come across a comedian.
ßlänk Ñïñjà says:
But if you say so.
ßlänk Ñïñjà says:
Thank you for your time, FS. Now go read a book. ;p
FireSworD says:
FireSworD says:
What do you mean by that?
FireSworD says:
ßlänk Ñïñjà says:
….Thank you for your time, FS. ;p
And there it is. Not really much more to say. ;p


American on July 13, 2003 04:00

Well-done, and somewhat irrelevant interview.

Chews on some tin foil.

Stijn on July 22, 2003 04:00

I don’t understand the Europe part. Nice article anyway.

Scizor CT on August 07, 2003 04:00

Interesting, if for no other reason than the fact that I was mentioned in it.