Slab ratZ

  • Rating: 8.2

Reviews and comments

    Black Ninja Posted more than 21 years ago


    well, well…a level by shadow. i’ve played this on the net, not downloaded it from here. anyway, the review:

    I had a lot of fun playing this level. in some places, foreground can be a little confusing/annoying. Weapons placement was good, In a few places it seemed like there were just a few too many weapons. not enough of a problem to lower the rating, though. The level layout was was actually really good, but i didnt understand it. =p I can’t comment on the music, as i played this online and didnt have the file. overall a 9.2 from me..great work. wow, this is like the longest review i’ve ever done. i want to be more than a medium reviewer! agh. ah well. good level. download it.

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    >CelL< Posted more than 21 years ago


    Hm. Nice level by Shadow. Well devised layout, bases where strategicly well placed. Weapen layout is good too, well devided across the entire map. The eyecandy is good too, very good even, but nothing that left me completely breathless. Come on Shad, you can do beter with this tileset. We’ve all seen “Blasting tron project” from FE, wich uses this set too, and i must say that to me, it looked much beter then this. But ah well, i’m rating this level individualy, not comparing it to Shadow’s other work. Also included is some yummy food in this level, i like that, not many people use it these days;). Some parts in this level looks they where directly copy/pasted from “Darker Science”, but if they where, i guess its ok, ‘cuz Shadow made “Darker Science” Himself:P. Design is sorta tight, but fluently playable, good for a CTF match with 4-6 people. A nice litle music file by music master Necros was included, wich i dont think fits that much in this level. I must say, that even though this wont become one of my favorite J2LC levels of all time, the whole thing looks pretty good. 7.2 Points here, and a download recomendation.

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    Nitro Posted more than 21 years ago


    Small sized CTF levle by Shadow, lots of eye-candy and layer useage, too small makign it easy to get between bases which I don’t like- CTF should be big (I lower points for that nto because of my taste but because it makes it less fun).
    Has food= sugar rush= fun :D
    Ammo is not over used but very good placement.

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    blurredd Posted more than 21 years ago


    As far as I know, I like it :P

    It uses nice eye-candy (in traditional Shadow style), a good layout, and is kept down to a smaller size which can be good for faster gameplay or could require less people to play in it. I wouldn’t agree that all CTF levels should be big; a little variety in size never hurt anyone. Anyway, download this now!

    p.s. Ugh, now I have to wait even longer for Future Evolution. It better be worth the wait :P

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    Super Saiyan Posted more than 21 years ago


    Roseta, isn’t that rate a bit too low?…
    This is lvl is Good.

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    Ninja Dodo Posted more than 21 years ago


    I haven’t played a lot of CTF levels so I may not be a good judge of this one, but…I have to say I like it. The level is really nice. Moving from base to base is fun, weapon placement is good. There aren’t too many ways in and out of the bases, etc…

    The only gripe I have with it is one of personal taste. I really don’t like it when people use the standard sets. There are so many good custom sets out there that I really don’t see the point in recycling the original sets over and over again.

    Still this is only a minor problem, so you get an 8.5 from me.

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    Krezack Posted more than 21 years ago


    Overall this lvl aint half bad the eyecandy is good the weapon placement is a little in excess in some places, a bit small aswell but that just makes for a fast paced action game. :)

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    MR MAGOO Posted more than 21 years ago


    The level “Slab Ratz” is quite a very good peice of work. I seem to have a weird and unique way of making levels, and this one seems to fit my style a lot. The eyecandy is great and fits well placed. Good amount of the foreground layers, too. The weapon placement is good, but some places seem to have too much. Not a big deal. The gameplay is okay, but for Jazz it can be a bit hard to move at times. Even with Spaz if you don’t know the level properly. Overall, “Slab Ratz” is another quality level made by Shadow of GpW. Good job!

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    Red Ninja Posted more than 21 years ago


    Very Nice, Two thumbs up. I approve for download!

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    Bobby aka Dizzy Posted more than 21 years ago


    Nice stuff here Shad. From version one to now there is extreme improvement and I love the layout that is now there. The level is quite easy to learn and fun once the layout is mastered. Balanced and chock full of good stuff.

    Download this.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    ShadowGPW Posted more than 21 years ago

    Blasting Tron Project suxord ;P