Remember with me! (please not delete this admin)

  • Rating: 2.9

Reviews and comments

    SPLASHcc Posted more than 21 years ago


    Good levels from Bjarni Cool! it has 6 levels, they aren’t very big, but they are hard! it still has some small errors (some of the bosses run out the screen and don’t come back – try a “stop enemy” to stop this), but Bjarni really made a fun pack. Good job!

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    SPAZ18 3 Aug 2006, 11:28 (edited 3 Aug 06, 13:05)

    3.5Not recommended:

    This was a bit better than SSB but not much.



    Not enough eyecandy was in the level. Hardly anything could be seen in the background. Too short, I had no idea where I was going. Too much Seeker ammo, this wasn’t needed.

    LEVEL 1 RATING: 2/10


    Still not enough eyecandy. Hardly anything in the background. One of the Text events was too long. Too many enemies in Hard. I had problems finding the exit. Try putting an exit sign in the level so we know where to go.

    LEVEL 2 RATING: 3/10


    Already reviewed this so I’ll keep this short. Eyecandy not good. Blue background and clouds can be seen. You could have removed the Bonus level so that the game would not have crashed. Too many enemies. Useless pipe at beginning. Would be better with Sucker Tube events. Devan on top of castle was pretty cool.

    LEVEL 3 RATING: 3/10


    Too short. No obstacles. There was a Devan Boss AND the Robot Boss which was not needed. You only need ONE Boss not 2 at once. Nice background. Layers used correctly.

    LEVEL 4 RATING: 5/10


    Too short. Too many enemies, Bats & Ravens. Useless Freezer Power-Up can be found at the end of the level. I quite like the title.

    LEVEL 5 RATING: 3/10


    I like the Pokemon. Level was quite short. There was a bug with the Devan Boss, he ran off the screen. Level could not be finished so I had to JJNXT to move on. I did like the way you used the Pokedex to say about the Pokemon and the different enemies.

    LEVEL 6 RATING: 5/10

    TOTAL: 21/60 (3.5)

    DR: No

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    abgrenv 9 Dec 2012, 16:25

    1Not recommended:

    Wow! Haven’t I played these before??? Didn’t you upload the same levels in a different pack??? And they still suck??? Yeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!
    10 points for copying 0 for everything else unfortunately I have to give you the rating of 1 :(

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Blaze The Movie Fan 29 Nov 2015, 21:24

    2.1Not recommended:

    I’m reviewing my own levels so I can learn from the pat.

    First off I’m gonna tell you what I think of the title, remember with me? Remember with me? The title alone shows laziness, it’s nothing but a bunch of levels from previous levelpacks put into one.

    Welcome to Garden:
    You are given seekers right on the fly, which proves laziness. Instead of having seekers throughout the level there is one by the beginning. But the biggest problem is the level is far too short, it doesn’t even take a minute to finish it.

    Marinated Rabbit:
    There is nothing going on in this level, absolutely nothing. Just a few fish and some dialog about Hercules? He has nothing to do with Atlantica, I wish I could comment on the text, but the grammar is so horrendous that it’s incomprehensible.

    Super Spaz Bros:
    This looks like a Mario game, and I can give the level credit for that, but it’s still way too easy to beat, and the worst part is there is a warp to bonus level that goes nowhere. You should have removed that from the level when you made this pack.

    Hell Demo:
    There is no point to this except reaching the boss. But seriously, you expect me to beat two of them? That’s too much. And the eye candy isn’t even that good.

    A Cold Day in Heck:
    The placement of enemies here is massive. Far too massive, seriously there shouldn’t be that many enemies at the same point of the level. And it’s also far too short.

    Pokemon World
    I will give this level credit for one thing, at least the Pokémon look cool, and PokéDex entries are pretty cool as well. But the grammar in the PokéDex entries are horrible. Oh and that bug with the boss makes the level impossible to beat.

    Overall this is terrible levelpack, I do think I need to review the other levels I made in the past as well. Reviewing own content might be bad, but I think it’s necessary if I’m learning from past mistakes, which I am intending to.

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