Posted more than 21 years ago
This level uses the castle tileset, the tileset most find very difficult to use. Laguna used the castle tileset well, as the eyecandy of the level is nothing to worry about. Its not the size of the level that brings the rating down, its the layout. He used the layers well, but the level is just too linear. There’s one basic path in a small circle. The goodies in the level were also placed well. If this level were to be improved, it would have to be a little more open and non-linear. The level’s also a bit gloomy, but its fine for the castle tileset. Hopefully, the creation of this level made the creator better with the castle tileset.
~ Derby
Posted more than 21 years ago
"Castle Crazyness" is a decent battle level by Laguna and in my opinion its slightly better than
"Bridges over Carrotus". From design to eyecandy, everything is pretty good. Disadvantages are the small size and the lack of super original ideas so still 6.4 points (its very close to 7 points)!
However the summary is that you should download this and have some battle fun :-)
A nice little battle level using the Casle tileset.
I myself don’t find Castle very hard to use, but onto the flaws…
1. Don’t put springs in the foreground. It gets confusing.
2. There’s repetitive tiling above pos 52,20. You should almost always variate the tiling.
3. The next level is Battle1. I’m not sure if I should decrease the rating for this, though. It could be a problem in fast multiplayer games, though…
Overall it could’ve gotten a 7, but -.5 for the problems.
Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this the level Bridges Over Carrotus is linked to? Just wondering.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Dunno why but i always have the urge to make small levels. Guess i should try making a larger level. Ok thanks for your tips :). Im off to JCS :-)
Posted more than 21 years ago
Im not gonna criticise yer opinions. I do think you cant rate a level on the level thats next.