Gameplay: No real problems here.
Design: Seen better, seen worse. It’s a bunch of platforms. Some are largish.
Weapon Placement: It’s got TNT. Never use TNT in Battle Levels. And I’ve seen better powerups.
Eyecandy: I think the leaves in the foreground are too fast. And the background could be slowed a bit, as well.
Cows: None.
Summary: This is a Diamondus Night level, with nothing special, but nothing bad. It’s rather usual, really.
Yah, Violet said the most already, dont use TNT in battle games. And its maybe bit crappy lvl. You could make it a bit bigger. I think this is a 7.5 worth. Maybe for all that work =P[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]
Posted more than 21 years ago
I really like it but I think you should never use TNT in a battle lvl. (Just like the DBZ character said) I don’t like lvl’s that are to small too…..=)
Posted more than 21 years ago
Oh, there is not much to say about “Battle Out V”. Diamondus is overused, the design is pretty good (many platforms and very open, as Violet already tried to say) and there is a fair amount of layer work. It is not too large so it will make a good and fun battleground for servers with five or less players.
The music is by a german tracker and yeah, it’s nice. Still, not favourite track and nothing very outstanding. Like the whole level. I’m not even exactly sure if we still need more and more of this type of level. Sorry.
Nevertheless, “Battle Out V” definitely gets a DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATION from me. It is a pretty good level.
P.S.: The next level setting is missing/wrong. Not good. Here’s my 6.5 for that (und the fact you used Diamondus because you were “lazy” :-)…