22 Feb 2009, 14:24 (edited 22 Feb 09, 14:33 by cooba)
This is one of those levels which due to it’s horrendously low quality it has a legendary status in the community in terms of bad quality levels. Although it was probably not intended to be made as so, this was the level that started the idea and trend of “joke levels”.
Firstly, let’s look at the level. You get barely any time to look at it as it’s all over in a few seconds. What you do get are a flash of about 100 blue gems, a black background that as the infamous “cloning” effect in SP which occurs when there are no tiles in the background layers, a few random ground tiles, some random lizards, and an exit. Yeah, that’s it. It’s kinda amusing how all the reviews written at the time of release take this level seriously and find it as an offense to the JCS scene. While I’m not saying they’re wrong, nowadays if this was uploaded it would not be taken seriously and would provide some lols, as this level was the one that unintentionally gave the idea of creating a deliberately bad level as a “joke”.
Although I expect most of you have downloaded this already, if you haven’t I suggest so as you’ll get a few lols out of it.
[Sorry to break your theory, but this level IS a joke level in itself. ~cooba]
Ha! You’ve got a great sense of humor!
Cool Level! HaHaHa! Nice joke!
can hardly stand
calms down
At least, I hope this is a joke…
What on earth is this level??? I loaded it into JJ2, played for 1 second and then it was over, followed by a missing next level error, of course! You could have used another layer apart from layer 4. No eyecandy, no weapons, no background, no fun. To make things worse, there’s a lizard between the gems. Why should you put baddies on a Treasure Hunt level? That makes no sense.
No really, if this level is a joke, it isn’t funny! But, I’ll listen to Voldard and rate it hi: a big and well-earned… “1”!!!
Please, do yourself a favour and do not download this.
First time reviewing a Treasure Hunt level.
EYECANDY: Errrrr… No background in Layer 5, 6, 7 or 8. Level looks really bad. Tiles randomly thrown together from the Jungle tileset. Nothing else to say. 1/10
GEM PLACEMENT: There’s about 180 RE-GENERATING Blue Gems badly placed. Level is over in about 3 seconds. 1/10
TOTAL: 2/20 (1.0)
DR = No
I know this review seems really short but there wasn’t much else to review in the level.
You want me to rate this high!!!???
Ah man, are you Bjarni? This is really ****. There is some ground and there are diamonds above them. I dont think this is very challenging for a treasure games. No worth downloading.
This is not a good treasure lvl. It’s got no background, no weapons, no eyecandy and a whole bunch of blue gems all over the place. Some tiles are also misplaced and everything looks quite bad.
I doubt that you spent a long time on this lvl, Voldard. I could do it in 30 seconds.
It’s not worth downloading this…
Posted more than 21 years ago
This is have to be a joke, really. It seems like you haven’t even tried to make a good level…
Eyecandy: Very bad. The level has no background, which makes it look a piece of messy junk.
Gameplay: No good. Even if you have to collect 100 gems, the game will be over in 15 seconds. And there’s no next level.
Ammo: What ammo?
Music: The only good part of the level.
Also you’ve put a wrong tileset in the level info. Gee.
Unfortunately, this stinks
Thats all I will say
No download reccomendation
Posted more than 21 years ago
“I spent a long time on it.”
You’re kidding, right?
AAAAH! Sonic lies. Due to popular belief, there is infact an exit. Thanks to Radium for pointing this out. And, Sonic, you can’t review this twice with your two accounts.[This review has been edited by labratkid]
Posted more than 21 years ago
… I give you 1 for effort.
Wow. This level gives NEW MEANING to the rating 1. If there was a -10, that’s what I’d give it. There is little to no layout, no exit, no BG….This level is one of the worst I have ever seen. You really can’t imagine how bad it is until you’ve played it for yourself. But I am not suggesting that you should play it for yourself. It’s a waste of 1 kb. Don’t get it.
Posted more than 21 years ago
I could do level like this in 10 seconds.
When I first played, I lolled so hard.
No background, couple of random tiles for the ground. that’s it.
You fall, collect about 20/70 blue gems and the level ends. (Oh yeah and we have lizards.)
Gem Placement
How can you play this online? Each game would last about 2 seconds.
Score: 1
Rank: F
DR? As much as I bash, you have to download this because it’s so bad, you will laugh at it. Download, LOL, then delete.
3 Mar 2011, 08:55 (edited 15 Jun 11, 17:34)
Must download it now I must lol so hard on it
let me see what is going to happen
eyecandY? what eyecandy? just about
layer 7 looks messed up
no layer 8 and think there were just
randomly placed tiles on layer 4
no other layer used though
You can’t just play it online as sonic said
just 2 secs of gameplay and then just the lvl
finishes just about a lot of gems 2 secs nothing original
DR? Yes you must download and lol hard on it and then
just delete it .[This review has been edited by aritra1115.]
Posted more than 21 years ago
This is simply a level that you must download.
I really don’t want to spoil it for you.
This is one you have to play for yourself to see. I didn’t think they made them like this any more.
Posted more than 21 years ago
I gather that toxic bunny was not lieing as he/she was right, they relly don’t make them like this anymore ;-P[This review has been edited by krezack]
Posted more than 21 years ago
Congratulations Voldard, you have won a big Prize! – yes a prize for the worst level on J2o.
I give you one for good sense of humor :)
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Woah RUXOR, two thongs up!
(Unsupported rating removal. Most people seem to disagree with you – could you expand on your reasons for giving this rating? How can you get such a high rating from this upload? Original rating 9.0 (I need to remember to include that more often). ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]