Very nice, Im not sure you really can play ctf in it. The passages are bit small. You can die easely. The Tileset is great. I didnt saw bugs ore other stuff. So I think its overal a 7.5 worth.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Chew, this CTF is cool, problem with small pasages…
I found out that you but Bubble event in it, bubble event wont appear in multiplayer event.
This level is very good, well done Ninja dodo :P
~Sure wroth to download, man, it’s lost Ctf :P
Posted more than 21 years ago
Ah. Very interesting. A new version of Ninja Dodo’s famous (or maybe not so famous) “Lost World: The Fall” CTF level. Lets get started.
First of all, i want to comment about the tileset. AwEsOmE! “The lost World” by Ninja Dodo and Jaws must be one of the best tilesets out there. The tileset was used very, very well in the level. Eyecandy was done mostly in the style of the levels from Ninja Dodo’s “The Lost Wolrd” Single Player pack, thus making the level look great. The level was made to resemble a large waterfall, with bases at the bottem and at the top. It looks very good, the waterfall, with platforms you can use to get to the top, and a bit claustrofobic cave like passages at the sides filled with ammo. At the top of the waterfall, there is a treehouse, ment as chatroom, and a big dinosaur. Eyecandy is really a strong factor in this level, i must say.
Item placement is well… how can i call it… decent. It is’nt as good as it might have been, but still pretty good indeed. There where no powerups in the level, or at least none i could find. General ammo was placed well. Most , or all of it was located in the narrow passages at the sides of the waterfall, wich i mentoined before. It was well devided, and well placed. Carrots where also spread good around the level.
Gameplay was pretty good. It takes more time to get to the blue base at the top, then too the red base at the bottem, but thats not a problem at all, because both teams have to get to both bases, one to capture and one to score. For the rest gameplay was fine. Good and fluent, with only a few dead ends.
I must say that i recomend to download “Lost world, the fall” to every CTF fan out there. Its a 7.5.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Yup, what CelL says, but the gameplay is i think more “pretty bad”.
Its a too little level.
Posted more than 21 years ago
it’s a cool level!
(Rating removal. Please do not rate this user’s levels again. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]