Another Story (Try-Me Competition event 3 entry)

  • Rating: 8.7

Reviews and comments

    Violet CLM Posted more than 20 years ago


    To tell the truth, this really isn’t very amazing..

    Clarification edit: This pack consists of a series of very short levels, several of which are pure cut scenes, and the rest would be if the author(s) could have gotten Jazz to move without your controlling him.
    The story is basically as follows: You live in a tree house, but part of your porch has fallen off, so you leave town to find wood to repair it. You accidentally fall into Devan’s secret base (many secret base levels seem to use Jungle), get recruited into Devan’s army, and sent off to a Carrotus planet, where you meet a tribe of Evas. You decide Devan’s bad, and leave to wreck his plans, learning on the way the Evas got killed. You explore the spaceship a bit (this could actually be a good level if it was longer, but the author seemed to think that would ruin the feel), and blow it up in what is probably the original explosion level. You then rocket down to Jazz 2 City, which is when the pack starts. (It’s all your telling a story)
    The spaceship level and the jungle level are kind of fun to play, but the rest is a bit boring (sure, the spaceship idea was cool Then, but it’s been used so many times now..), and that prevents this from getting higher then a 6.2. If you want to see how Spaceship/Explosion levels got started, download this, otherwise you should probably invest your time in something else.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

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    Stijn Posted more than 20 years ago


    I’m afraid I must agree with Enigma. I was expecting a level pack you could actually play , not a boring interactive movie. This pack consists of levels where you simply have to walk, and sometimes something happens, but there isn’t real action. Download recommended though, you could find some interesting stuff in this.

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    EvilMike Posted more than 20 years ago


    This level pack is so cool. It has my record for being played the most times by me :)

    Exelent music choices for the levels and eyecandy (although I found the trigger scenery in the mez3 level at the end was a bit sloppy).
    And that space ship level is the coolest thing I have seen.<br>
    The reason why I lowered the rating is because I think it could be a bit longer, its kinda short for an interactive story, but this is still one of the coolest level packs I have played.

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    Bobby aka Dizzy Posted more than 20 years ago


    I remember playing this ages ago and loving it, I still do today. Its one of the few level packs with a great story and fun. Not to hard, but difficulty isn’t what was at mind.

    Above all its in a category of its own for quality.

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    Another Jazz 2 fan Posted more than 20 years ago


    I remember when I played this. It was THE BEST EPISODE I EVER PLAYED! Sure, it was a little short, but the storyline and challenges (like the one in the second level with the secret-passageway trees) are totally awesome! When I first d/led it, I wanted to just rave about it on the JMMB! (Well, I didn’t, but it is awesome) If you don’t have it, the DOWNLOAD IT NOW!!!!!

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    ShadowGPW Posted more than 20 years ago


    This one is almost perfect =)

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    Ninja Dodo Posted more than 20 years ago


    The best level pack I ever played.

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    AtomicFeline Posted more than 20 years ago


    I tired this once before, and the storyline touched my heart (The music went very well with the levels.) Its all perfect, except when the levels are over, the game crashes and I am forced to go out of it. Fixed? I would give it a 10.

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    Tik Posted more than 20 years ago


    I liked it so much I had to steal the ship part (thanks, guys!)

    This is a very creative pack, one of my favorites (although I have a very strict amount of packs and stuff becuase I only download the BEST, and this is way up there).

    Download it! Sehr spiffy, meine Freunde!

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    Strato Posted more than 20 years ago


    A classic. Entirely based on story, because you never shoot. This is unique.[This review has been edited by Inf. Spaz]

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    Lark Posted more than 20 years ago


    Wow! This is really fun! All though there are only enemies that you fight at the end, it’s still very fun. It’s more of a ‘story’ than a pack, but you can tell a lot of effort was put into this.
    Download? YES!
    I’m only taking off 0.3 points because of the lack of monsters.
    And the .gif that comes with it is kewl, too =)

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    Spotty Posted more than 20 years ago


    Wow this is an amazing level pack.
    I don’t agree with anyone who rates this low.
    Level packs that are fun are my number one to play. The blowing up space station was very very cool and it didn’t have very much shooting badguys which is cool for a lev pack.
    Overall this is one of the best single player packs I have ever played, and ever will play. I love the space ship part where it moves about
    and stuff that is totally cool. This pack deserves what it has.

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    Superjazz Posted more than 20 years ago


    Good story, hehe. :)

    No enemies to shoot but that’s good. I like to test some different levels sometimes. Fun adventure. Not too long but not too short, thought. Ahh, of course the final level before credits is very fun, cause Everyting exploses. :^) Hehe, I like of chemistry chaoses.

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    ScionFighter Posted more than 20 years ago (edited 22 Jan 10, 22:10 by Stijn)


    This just RUXOR
    wait, wait…

    This is EXXELENT

    BTW. This review gives me the Top Reviewer status! Let this day be renember looong!

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    mikeejimbo Posted more than 20 years ago


    This level pack is amazing. It has a great story, and interesting puzzles, and good-looking levels.

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    Ragnarok! Posted more than 20 years ago



    Well, i whink this lvlpack probably extremly nice eyecndy, the only thing i dont like that it is the original eyecandy the other lvls in these tilesets use! also i think that the eyecandy can be a bit improved(9/10)


    Well, i have to say its not really a single player but it is fun and has good gameplay (fun and intersesting and well placed things). this is an actually xtremely nice storyline. also this is a pack that is worth a great look-at!! (10/10)

    Pickups: Great placement and really good, (for all events i mean) but there arent really that much or none!

    Overall: this is great! 9.5

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    PurpleJazz 2 Dec 2008, 19:03


    This shows how storylines be made, it is absorbing and the levels are designed near perfectly around the story concepts, to the point of making it feel like an interactive DVD. However, there is very little gameplay to speak of. It’s almost impossible to die and can be completed in a few minutes. However, the creativity is what makes it shine.

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    Narsist 22 Jan 2010, 16:26



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    KiraImmortal 10 Apr 2016, 15:23


    nice storytelling, but pretty basic levels except for a few

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    rionaam 12 Apr 2007, 00:17


    This is a great episode. The strong point on this is the story, not the playability. The levels are rather small, some are movies, but it’s very well done. It’s fun to play, especially the jungle levels. Another great thing are the efects, such as the reactor on the ship and the explosions. I’d recommend you to download this.
    PD: I give this 9.5 cause it could have more playable levels and/or longer ones.

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    PT32 1 Oct 2008, 19:03


    Well, well, another great singleplayer pack! This one centers around the story of a rabbit [unnamed], who starts out on a job from his momma and winds up getting caught and brainwashed by turtles. Through a bizarre turn of events, including an encounter with a rabbit village that gets wiped out, he recovers his true rabbityness and strikes back at the turtles that caused him this grief. Not too much gameplay, more story-oriented, but that’s okay. The story made up for the lack of play. Not a ginormous amount of eycandy either, though there was some. Not much buggage, this makes the pack a very usable pack. DL now.

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    Carrot.cud Posted more than 20 years ago


    good idea
    good music
    self-destruct very kewl (but 2 short)
    explosion nice worked out

    2 short and 2 easy (specially for this sorta game)
    story begins very good but gets weaker 2 the end
    access violation with last level:(

    conclusion: disagree with the others: very nice idea but could been worked out much better

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    KJAZZ Posted more than 20 years ago


    This was good a long time ago, and still fun now. :D
    [This review has been edited by KJAZZ]

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    RSPSS FR Posted more than 20 years ago


    good storyline, good eyecandy, ect…

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    firebolt Posted more than 20 years ago


    I downloaded this on jazz2city……….and its totally great….the story line and everything….and he made the destruction of the area so real

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    snzspeed Posted more than 20 years ago


    Good RPG style pack.

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    aiko Posted more than 20 years ago


    Lets keep it short:
    "Another Story" is the best levelpack that i have for my Jazz Jackrabbit PC game.
    Its awesome, a must-download!

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    Blade Posted more than 20 years ago


    Nice story-based adventure. No shooting. That’s not bad, its different. This pack’s awesome to play.

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    Hawkin 87 Posted more than 20 years ago


    The only bad thing I have to say about it is Tomb Rabbit is BETTER! ;-) (This one is still very good, though. VERY High quality.)

    Keep It Up, Hawkin 87 :-)[This review has been edited by Hawkin 87]

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    >CelL< Posted more than 20 years ago


    Alright. I have`nt done this some
    time, but here goes :). The overal
    design is pretty good. The fact that
    there`s no bosses and (almost) no enemies that you can slaughter is
    very diferent :). The level in wich the space ship explodes is REALY awesome.
    Good job, stripe (and everyone else who worked on this). By the way, this could have been a BIT longer.[delete]


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    Wild Bill Posted more than 20 years ago


    sweet story, more jazz sets should contain storys, but levels also. 9.7 cuz this is awesome.
    why the low review winner?? that aint right…

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    >Elrick< Posted more than 20 years ago


    Great pack!Story and level design are very high quality!I did not gave 10 becouse levels are too short.However,i realy enjoyed playing these!

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    Atlas Posted more than 20 years ago


    A really great story driven level pack pretty easy but has a great story .

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    chandie Posted more than 20 years ago


    Story is good but there are too many text files and it made me got bored.

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    BlackRabite Posted more than 20 years ago


    Pretty good, not too bad, so-so…
    I’ll give it 7.7

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    Blackraptor Posted more than 20 years ago


    Im sorry, but I dont think these levels are that perfect. Good story though.

    To tell the truth, the story is the only thing that prevented me from giving this a 4.7. No offence, k, but the levels are to short and mostly only have enemies and text lines. The story was very creative though, and i dont know how in the world u came up with it, but it is very imaginative. There are some cool parts to this, but moslty its just reading text and shooting badguys. Not much fun, but a good story[This review has been edited by Blackraptor]

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    Mr.PÔWÈRS Posted more than 20 years ago


    This story is really good, but there isn´t so much enemys and it is so easy to pass. (explosion level was great!!)[This review has been edited by Mr.PÔWÈRS]

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    Sacrush Posted more than 20 years ago


    The story is the best i ever have seen in jazz2. The eyecandy is also great and the music choice is good.

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    Shadow Jazz 31 Mar 2008, 17:43


    I guess it was alright. Could have been longer and more understandable. One thing that disappointed me was after the end of one of the levels at the loading i get an access violation saying that a level is missing or something like that. But the thing i did like was that you’ve done a diffrent and original type of single player pack.

    Overall i think the story wasn’t all that epic. I usually like level packs with exciting and action type stories.

    Download recommendation: Don’t know, you decide. Like or dislike, your opinion

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    Genotoxin aka iCeD Posted more than 20 years ago


    Awesome in terms of creativity. Even though this is kinda old, I still love it. Hats off to stripe.

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    Paul Posted more than 20 years ago


    Wow. Highly cool. (:
    The spaceship level is so incredibly cool that it’s scary. (:

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    grath102 Posted more than 20 years ago


    grrrrr8 hahahah nice not too hard but very good

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    JazzyR Posted more than 20 years ago


    This is the best Jazz Levelpack!!!
    I love it :p

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    BlackDeath Posted more than 20 years ago


    O my I almost forgot to rate this, there. A 9 as it deserves.

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    joey Posted more than 20 years ago


    This be good;P

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    Mercurio Posted more than 20 years ago


    Yohoo great story

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    Atomic Posted more than 20 years ago


    A Fantastic level Pack.This Rocks.This is Recommened.

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    Another Jazz 2 fan Posted more than 20 years ago

    I would recommend that the authors create a (longer?) sequel. Another, another story ;) That would be soooo cooool! Please?

    Luuk Posted more than 20 years ago

    I’m having problems whit the file tmcship1.j2l, he is asking for an tileset file called neonius.j2t, which you didn’t add in the zip file, where can I find this tileset?

    sonictth Posted more than 20 years ago

    you havent include a tileset the episode is using

    the real one Bjarni Posted more than 20 years ago

    Originally posted by luuk:
    I’m having problems whit the file tmcship1.j2l, he is asking for an tileset file called neonius.j2t, which you didn’t add in the zip file, where can I find this tileset?

    Yeah, I totally agree! Please help us!

    OM2004 12 Apr 2008, 19:46

    I don’t know how people are rating this pack since one of the tile sets are missing. The level tmcship1.j2l
    this needs to be added in.

    FOX292 11 Jul 2011, 09:27

    Seems you have tileset missing. Im getting Tileset Missing error when trying to run the spaceship level.

    WvA 25 Feb 2005, 18:50

    nice story but i got 3 times an error that the templete is not there… Very anoying… Is this just me? it is not in the folder…
    (Unsupported rating (8.7) removal. Do you mean “tileset”, by the way? In any case, the bulk of your rating still seems to come down to “nice story”, which could use some explanation, especially as you don’t seem to be rating the levels themselves. Try harder. ~Violet)

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    the WINNER Posted more than 20 years ago

    This is a level, but it is a STORY?
    Hey what a trick is this? Where is the levels? I don’t see any levels, only STORY. No stories here, LEVELS like Tomb Rabbit!

    Edit:Rating came back

    Hey why you deleted my rating? It’s MY rating! You are not allowed to change rating only to give this more points. Think next time!!!!!!!!!!

    (When the rating is removed, it is removed for good reason. Do not do this again. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

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    EvilMike Posted more than 20 years ago

    aw man…. not even simple html allowed?