Who cares if its a remake, it rulez. But anyhow you didnt created the Tileset yourself, you only made the gradients a bit darker and put some extra events in it. Anyway I think it still rulez :)
Posted more than 21 years ago
This is possibly the best tileset edit I have seen. It’s not just a pallete edit, it’s an actual improvement to the castle tileset. It looks great, has a textured background, and is more flexable than the original Castle. I’m not too fond of the Castle2E version, just because it is a little too werid with the dark sprite colours contrasting with the bright background. I’m not taking any points off for that though, because the other two versions are great. I see no flaws in the masking of this tileset. In fact, there are no problems at all in the tileset.
As I stated before, the sprite colours are slightly edited, but that is quite common these days. If done well (as in this tileset), it actually looks good as it sets the mood and works much better than ambient lighting, which I find most people play without.
I am giving this tileset pack 8.5 points because it looks great and has no problems. It’s probably the highest score I will ever give an edited/ripped tileset, so I congratulate Blurred for his efforts. Download this.
I’ll start with the tilesets. Unlike most edits or anything that I’ve seen before, this is really fixing some of the things that castle missed, including the texture background and stuff like that.
The battle level is fine, and a fun game with good gameplay. I’ve played it online a few times and I haven’t noticed anything wrong with it. An 8.2 is well deserved since this is top notch.
Well, youve made it.. this one is going to be at my collection for Future Evolution 2 the SP episode! The Tilesets are really some nice improvements and additions of the originals. Well, perhaps a bit to much of them now but i wanna see more improvements of tilesets in the future.. keep up the good work
Posted more than 21 years ago
Castle is good tileset, but most of levels is made by it. Too lot. New remake is very good!
Download it!!!
Posted more than 21 years ago
i must say this tileset is great blurredD nice battles to.
witch dis you can make good and better CASTLE levels,
some extra tile that ar not included in castle1.
i give this an 8.2!
Whee. These are the best castle edits I’ve seen. Not only are the palette edits of the sets done well, but BlurredD has also added more tiles to the set (rain, ceiling slopes, A BACKROUND!!! etc) which makes it better to use for levels. Castle 2 and castle 2 Night look a bit similar with each other, and my favorite has to be Castle 2 Eclipse because I just love the colors in it. Hopefully people will use these instead of the overused original castle sets in the future. Rating comes down to an 8.5. Good palette edits, extra added tiles, etc. I still prefer your diamondus edit and your psych edit over this, but this is a must download nonetheless. Keep up the great edits!
Just a remake, but very useful.
Posted more than 21 years ago
I LOVED it. :)
Real big download reccomendation here!
Some dubble post here
[/EDIT][This review has been edited by ShadowGPW]
Posted more than 21 years ago
This is but a simple color edit, and there are many good tiles added. Very good tileset, I like it more than the original castle because you can put skies in this one, and other stuff. Download, everyone.
(Rating removal. Review must be at least three lines. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
This tileset is ocol . cooler version form epics castle set. Downlaod recommedation!!
(Rating removal. Review must be at least three lines. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Excellent! you have got it. I like it
how you put skies in there.
Keep up the good work.
I give this a 8.7
[Unsupported (8.7) rating removal. You need to rate the tileset, not just the battle level, as this was a multiple upload that focused mainly on the tilesets (you may notice the author asked to have them rated). Just saying you like the skies in the battle level does not cut it. – FQuist]