Chips Challenge Tileset

  • Rating: 7.2

Reviews and comments

    aiko Posted more than 21 years ago


    Somehow, this pack is pretty funky even if i dont know the game "Chips Challenge". Well, the tileset itself only has some gray squares
    with pictures on them and a nice textured background and thats it. The author also included a very small example level using a classic background music: a conversion
    of canyon.mid from good ol’ Windows! :-) By the way i really wonder if converting MIDIs is a good idea if the output iT file is over 500 KB…
    All in all, you should really have a look at this, ‘cause the author worked hard on it i guess!

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    jspuz Posted more than 21 years ago


    The real game looks just like that. That’s why the tileset is just a bunch of grey blocks, but it’s very nice. I like Chip’s Challenge :)

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    KJAZZ Posted more than 21 years ago


    I like this tileset. I tried making a level with it, but it was hard making stuff with this tileset.

    EDIT (8/6/04): I just recently acquired Chip’s Challenge, and it is a very fun game. Playing the game gave me more ideas how to use this tileset, if I ever will again. Thus, the 0.5 increase from the previous rating, Or something. Hooray for Chip’s Challenge.

    [This review has been edited by KJAZZ]

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    Lamer Posted more than 21 years ago


    Since I’ve played Chips Challenge, this gives me a feeling of nostalgia. :)

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    Assassin Posted more than 21 years ago


    i like this one
    i know this game from my atari lynx
    we have it on that computer and i got it on pc too
    doesnt look really like my lynx version but its till cool :)

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    stanace Posted more than 21 years ago


    Whoopie (cushion)

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    Cell_old Posted more than 21 years ago


    ……Dont know what to say, but i like it.

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    Stilettø Posted more than 21 years ago


    Very Nice
    But i liked to see More Things like Tubes Vines

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    Red_XIII Posted more than 21 years ago


    The game chip’s challenge brings back a lot of memories ;). It’s one of the old games in windows 3.1 and it’s pretty much and puzzle game. I loved the game, and I didn’t have jj2 then and I could only play it on the libary’s computer which you can play on only for 30 minutes and you had to book. The memories….. wipes a tear away

    Anyway, the tileset is pretty kool and I think I might have overatted it ;). Oh and the Windows 3.1 music…. The memories……….

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    Stijn Posted more than 21 years ago


    Maybe I downloaded another tileset as the other reviewers, but the one I reviewed doesn’t deserve a 7.0 or even 8.2. The tileset is made of square grey blocks with pictures on it, and a few tiles of eyecandy. The masking isn’t good as well. There are absolutely NO diagonal tiles/slopes, which makes it almost impossible to make a good level with it, and the background also looks pretty dull, altough it works in textured mode in a weird way. Another major setback is the lack of “needed basic tiles”, such as the poles, vines, hurts, tubes, destruct and destruct blocks.

    This tileset may bring back memories and feelings of nostalgia of players of this old windows game, but that shouldn’t be a reason to overrate it. The tileset is boring, and very hard to use when you’re trying to create a level. Not because the tiles don’t fit together, but because there aren’t enough useful tiles, such as the needed poles and vines and slopes. Don’t download this, except when you want to get the “feeling of nostalgia” described by others. For some reason I didn’t get that feeling, but that may be because I never played the original game.

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    wadledee Posted more than 21 years ago

    Cool tileset. Great music…I dont have much to say about this….[This review has been edited by wadledee]

    (Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]