The lvl’s a bit linear…
It’s got bad enemy and weapons placement…
Lack of one ways and eyecandy…
And really boooooooring.
I give it an 5.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Ok. You are not the real FQuist. The real s not crazy.
Review: W**p! Bad enemy placement! Very bad. D/l this N-O-T. I give this a 4.5.
Posted more than 21 years ago
New York City’s Rating:
I think you did use a poor enemy placement and also the weapon placement was not to well.
I can not recomend downloading this level because i would be making a sin………=) PEACE OUT!
Posted more than 21 years ago
Eyecandy: 5/20
This is a level featuring New York City, which recently was attacked, as most of us all know. However, I can not add on points to a level for just being well-timed. The tileset is used OK, but it still doesn’t quite look right. Eyecandy is a little simplistic, and looks wrong at some points. However, it’s not really terrible.
Item Placement: 6/15
Item placement was one of this level’s worst problems. The item placement seems random at best, with no prior planning. Important ammo is often out in the open while normally easy-to-get items are oddly hidden in hard-to-get-to locations. This is very unbalanced.
Atmosphere: Not Applicable/25
I do not give atmosphere ratings to levels that are already this low on score, because this sharply lowers scores, and I’m not that unfair of a reviewer.
Tileset Use: 3.5/5
To the author’s credit, the tileset was generally used correctly, but looked odd at times. Overall, this is where the level excels most. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the least important measures in my rating.
Gameplay: 14/35
“Ouch.” This level just doesn’t have good flow at all, and it’s not really worth a download. Sorry.
Score: 3.8
Adjusted Score: 4.5
Posted more than 21 years ago
Nice level. Only include the titleset next time. And also put an end boss and the end!
Posted more than 21 years ago
- Include tileset
- Change filename, now it has the filename of one of the “Agent Jackrabbit” levels so it will replace it.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Download recommedation: NO
-1 It is single player not Assault
-1 Have a end boss
-1 To must holes as you canĀ“t go out unless cheat
Also it is DEAD city and cool! ;-)
Not (Bjarni), just (Bjarni).
(Personal attack replacement. While it is true that the user is autistic, the context clues make this sound unneededly harsh. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Posted more than 21 years ago
Tileset needed. Please include. Or the least you could do would be to provide the name of it so we could download it.. I have no way of playing this.