When RagE first told me about his and Cell’s lvl, I thought: Oh no. Sounds like another “I wanna be just like Deth” lvl. And guess what? I was right! (-D
The lvl, which happens to be named Dark Dimensions, uses Dethan’s Mezmerized tileset and is quite well-made. Both parts of the lvl has got excellent gameplay and eyecandy and the secrets are nice too.
There’s not much to say really. Oh, actually there is: Did you get the idea of making half of the lvl each from me and Saiyan??
This is all.
I’d recommend Dark Dimensions to…er…
White Rabbit.
Posted more than 21 years ago
ARGHHH!!! Very nice level! Nice eye-candy and everything is well placed. The only bad thing is that I’m gonna have to remake my level… =( THis looks too similar to my level I was working on so people’ll get em confused…. Well again, nice job! ARGHHH!
Well, the level is ok. The music choice is different froom the one usually used, and even though im glad its finally different, i still like the overused tune more. The layout is good, its not confusing and its easy to move around in. The carrot placement is ok, I had some doubts about the warps to the fullNRG, but after further testing I found no errors worth mentioning. Ammo is placed well, I have nothing agaisnt it. Eyecandy is good, but it feels like its missing something, could of been a bit more in some places, but its good. The level overally is ok, there isnt much wrong with it, but its nothing really exciting. Its a great effort and worth downloading,but its not as good as the other level (Angelic Warfare) that you both made. Still great thoug, and im giving it a solid 8, almost 8.2 and a download reccomendation.
Oh, and one more thing. It also seemed to me that each of you made your own half, because the 2 halfs look strangely different, its suspicious.