The Devan is destructor (demo)

  • Rating: 7.6

Reviews and comments

    spazz Posted more than 20 years ago


    Interrseting levels! I’ll shall wait with pations on the full version. In the end I thougt: He, a save point and then flup! Then you get text form this is the demo version. The Trigger and the V-pole and H-pole idea was a nice idea… Here is the 7.5, fore a realy good level.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Ðx Posted more than 20 years ago


    weeeeeeeeh its a demo! weeeh!

    1-level 1 SHORTCUTE.
    2-nice eyecandy in level2!
    3-level 3 boss…. its hard with that spike.
    4-nice food put in level 2!
    5-good gems and goodies ( 1UP ) placed.

    hmmmm when do you make the Full version?
    ids demo is Nice. so i hope you make the rest to!

    an 7.7 from me!

    download recommed:If yor really borid :P!

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    Superjazz Posted more than 20 years ago (edited 19 Jun 10, 15:06)

    I finally found my TSF-CD so now I installed the TSF again and it works, but still I would be too tired to begin again to continuing making the episode from the demo. Such because I’m interested about some other episodes and stuff, but also because the design and whole thingy would be reset because I already made some levels for full version with my old computer. And so, I wouldn’t remember what even was the main destination, storyline and all other of this episode. So, this episode will not be still done. But try to enjoy about some other stuff I made or I will make. K, thx.

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    Super Saiyan Posted more than 20 years ago

    What are you for wacko? You rate ya own stuff….:\

    Taz Posted more than 20 years ago

    Rating you won lavals… Very bad.