“Cracco Island” is a 690 (I guess) tile tileset depicting what seems to be a tropical island, complete with beach, dead pirates, and volcano.
It also comes (I think I’m repeating something here) with 5 other versions of the tileset, with small palette changes. Seeing as the textured background doesn’t work properly in the ordinary edition, I doubt it does in these other versions.
Although there seem to be no spikes or sucker tubes, there Are V/H poles, vines, hooks, *, !, ?, Speed and certain weapon blocks (in three colors, each including the mysterious X-Blox), text and exit signs, a rotating warp animation, (non working) textured background, etc.
In addition to the tropical island bit, you can have a beach area, along with what I guess is supposed to be molten walls.
There’s also lots of stuff to lay around on the ground, colorful blocks, some beautiful clouds, animated creatures like in a tileset by _Jaws, water and stuff.
Sadly, quite a few tiles need to be flipped (say goodbye to some of those trigger scenery vanishing walls), some occurances of quite bad masking, as I said the textured background doesn’t seem to work, and the tile placement is a bit annoying at times.
Still, overall, Cracco Island (along with the other five versions) is a good tileset, which I would recommend for the next time you’re making an epic storyline pack.
Edit: Oh, and it’s a tileset, not an “Other”, BTW.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Well, what Violet said. And:
The drawn things are sometimes a bit ugly IMHO, the masks are pretty bad..
Nice tileset
Edit: jup, a short review.. just read Violet CLM’s and take a little bit of the positive things off.. or something…whatever..[This review has been edited by Piccolo aka SoulFire]
Posted more than 21 years ago
Pretty good tileset we’ve got here. Nice backrounds, and a fairly good variety of tiles. I like the way that mainly your tilesets are RPG related, me being an RPG fanatic myself =D
And Jack“arse“CC, the reason for rating it below 10? Because its very rare something is perfect, but this is very good.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Yap very nice made Island tileset. Nice made tiles, nice skeletonz, all is nice. This is your best tileset! :D
And Jackass, it’s really no 10.0 tileset.
ALL UNDER THE 10????!!!:O:O:O
this is the best tileset EVER!!!!
here’s an explonation:
-1.The tileset has very many ( and very
good )tiles.
-2.cool colors ( the color of the chat
text is cool too).
-3.The grond tiles and everyting on em
are really cool.
I can go on like this a long time, so just download the tileset and you’ll know what I mean :p.
(Do not rate higher just because of clan affiliations. While there is some chance that you judge this as a 10, I doubt it, and would recommend rating levels that are not ones made by your clan leader, as there might be some sort of bias involved in that case. Rating removed. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
YAY, A island tileset :) and what from one, a good one the colors are prety and…but… it need girls :P