JSZ Jazz's battle pack

  • Rating: 6

Reviews and comments

    Waz Posted more than 21 years ago



    Bitwa0: Boring level… just.. boring.

    Bitwa1: A little less boring but still not good.

    Bitwa2: Lots of sucker tubes. Funny lvl but not a good battle.

    Bitwa3: Boring and too much ammo.

    Bitwa4: Some sort of under-water battle. Kinda good. But the water should appear when you START the lvl…

    Bitwa5: Some interesting stuff in the top of the lvl, but that’s it. Here again, too much ammo.

    Bitwa6: A small, boring lvl, with a bonus warp.

    Bitwa7: Kinda interesting… but too much ammo.

    Bitwa8: Cool and interesting lvl… but too much ammo!!

    Bitwa9: A cool part in the lower side of the level, but… yeah, the ammo.

    You should make bigger lvls, and try not to make those “big empty spaces”.
    And do something about your weapon placemen, cuz this is pathetic!
    You use the tileset correctly, by the way…

    A 6 is REALLY the highest I can give this.

    No download recommandation.

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    American Posted more than 21 years ago


    I have no idea what language that is. :P

    Anyway, this is an OK pack, but is really not worth a very high rating. It features many levels, many of which seemed slapped together in about an hour. Flow is fairly bad in most of the levels, but eyecandy is above average and so is gameplay in general. Weapon placement is often badly decided, which brings down the score on the pack.

    I can’t really recommend this for download unless you are a real battle freak. However, I’m sure there are many of these and they could quickly become Afternoon Battle (the group of players who are fairly new who play in the afternoon and only play battles and tests, you know who I’m talking about) classic.

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    JSZ Mateusz Posted more than 21 years ago


    It was Polish :P

    BTW: Eyecandy Good. But too many weapon (In some level especially). Ill rate it 6.5

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    ScionFighter Posted more than 21 years ago

    S³abiutk¹ ocenê dosta³eœ, oj s³abiutk¹… :D