water falls

  • Rating: 6.9

Reviews and comments

    Violet CLM Posted more than 21 years ago


    Yes, this level is, in essence, a water fall where you have to go to the top.
    You start at the bottom, where the waterfall lands in a pool. If you fall in the pool, you have to get out through a inlet to a cave, there are sucker tubes pushing you down everywhere else.
    The level mainly consists of going up in two ways. One, inside the caves on each side of the waterfall, where you climb up the rocks. Two, jumping across the waterfall, sometimes with platforms to aid you, sometimes not.
    There are some dinosaurs near the bottom, but they aren’t done too well. The tileset use could use a little work, except at the top.
    Still, this is a nice level.

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    Gecko Posted more than 21 years ago


    now let’s review.

    good eyecandy
    level is quite long
    some nice tricks

    ahhhhhhhh! so many bats!
    so bad enemy placment where you can’t even see them
    the hurts aren’t placed good at all
    the dinos aren’t done well

    your choice to download but beware of huge swarms of bats.

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    007 Posted more than 21 years ago


    LOST IN TiMe

    good single lvl go to the top the pools is good

    good eyecandy
    NO waponplace
    good enemies

    i give a 7.2

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    fearofdark 18 Mar 2005, 18:57

    6.2Not recommended:

    Once again, i have to write another review.

    EYECANDY 17/25

    You scored a mediocre score on eyecandy. Most eyecandy you put were on layers 2,3 and 4. You have a moving backround that gives you an extra 3 points.

    ITEMS 10/25

    There are very few items in the level (CARROTS, HINT HINT). There is no ammo whatsoever.

    GAMEPLAY 14/25

    Not bad gameplay. There are many places where you can get hurt. But no warps or crates.

    ENEMIES 21/25

    Definatly the best thing in this level. Just a few too many bats.

    TOTAL = 62/100

    RATING = 6.2

    FINAL COMMENT: Not too bad, not too good. If you just put some ammo in the level, you would have just about earnt a download recommendation.

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