I still haven’t officially released my Odyssey tileset, so why is it being used? This is the second time I’m finding my tileset being used (assuming that there aren’t any other levels using it) so I can’t emphasize this enough: DON’T RELEASE LEVELS USING MY TILESET. The tileset isn’t finished yet and I rearranged the tiles in it.
I still don’t care if you make levels with my tileset, just don’t release them.
Posted more than 21 years ago
might as well use it. I didn’t even know you didn’t release it yet even[This review has been edited by Gecko]
Posted more than 21 years ago
Ow Fquist, delete this. Gecko, upload your level later.
Apparently this hasn’t been deleted. I’ll assume this has been released by now, so here’s my review.
This level features mediocre eyecandy and gameplay to match. I got stuck several times, and it generally was not fun at all. The tileset, however, is very cool-ish, and this is definitely worth the download if just for the tileset. I hope this is released by now, but just in case, I won’t rate this.