JJ2 add-on *v3.5*

  • Rating: 9.2

Reviews and comments

    Stijn Posted more than 20 years ago


    I did use the /load -rs “c:\program files\mIRC\jj2 add-on\jj2.mrc” command. I didn’t get the echo. But whatever, it works now.
    This add-on is simply a must-have. It’s even better than xjj2, IMO.
    When you type /readsl, you get a little window, just like xjj2 without the sidebar. It shows you the servername, type, players, version, lag (ping), and IP. Nothing special, indeed. There’s also a “Serve” tab. With this, you can list or create your server. You can choose what version the server has to be, game mode (including coop and race), the usual stuff like name and level (including a very useful “Browse” option) and the difficulty level. You can always choose to just list your server, or to start the game.
    When you right click in the channel window and you choose JJ2 SL, you can configure everything. What to do when a server is “unjoinable”, the JJ2 path, what list server to use, auto-update, and to what folder the cache should be moved.
    The only drawback is that your fur uses the normal colors when joining a server with this program.
    No real “new” options, only 2 or 3, but there are simply NO bugs, you don’t have to use xjj2, and when using mIRC… DOWNLOAD NOW!

    9.2, you deserve it.

    To Violet: Well, it’s a XJJ2 thats very fast and useful, built-in in mIRC. Since much JJ2 player use mIRC, this is very useful since they don’t have to start XJJ2 again and agin. Clear?[This review has been edited by Fl@$h aka BlewMeUp]

    EDIT: Because of all new functions I changed my rating from 9.2 to 9.7. w00t.[This review has been edited by Fl@$h aka BlewMeUp]

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    Taz Posted more than 20 years ago


    Wowa! Thanks all ;)
    This is what you NOW MUST DOWNLOAD OR YOU ARE DIE. All right?[This review has been edited by Taz]

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    [SpArKy] Posted more than 20 years ago


    Perfect[This review has been edited by [SpArKy]]

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    American Posted more than 20 years ago



    Nice program! :)

    Edit: I would like to inform people who are downloading this that many antiviruses will detect at least one file of this download as a virus (registry.dll as IRC.Backdoor.Flood in my case). This is a false alarm. This is because of socket functions used in mIRC. Disregard this warning.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT][This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

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    CraccoBoy Posted more than 20 years ago


    Cool, a good reason to get mIRC :)

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    MoonBlazE Posted more than 20 years ago


    Kinda good, but I don’t like the idea of using it as a tool to MiRC, it should rather be like jazztool and so on.

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    sonictth Posted more than 20 years ago


    very cool!

    (Content truncation. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

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    CaTaPhRaCt Posted more than 20 years ago

    Type /readsl anywhere and push enter or use the status, query or channel popups, that is, right click somewhere on those windows

    btw, i guess you’ve chosen not to run the initialization commands. if you had, you would had read the echo and would probably know what to do. Moreover, you have now to manually create the folders ‘cache’ and ‘saves’ on the directory wherein the script is. Alternatively, reload the script, this time choosing to run the initialization commands. Otherwise, you will probably get error messages like “* /write: unable to open ‘e:\Documents and Settings\Cataphract\My Documents\Scripts\JJ2 add-on\cache\data2.txt’ (line 779, jj2.mrc)”

    Violet CLM: Read the description.

    new edit: Pois bem… Violet, you probably only have a superficial knowlege concerning mIRC. Sure, JJ2 and mIRC and very different things: whereas mIRC is an IRC client, JJ2… well… you know what jj2 is.
    However, mIRC is much more than an IRC client. It has a complex and relatively easy scripting language which is mainly used to perform tasks such as sending on-join messages, kick users who behave badly (e.g. flooding), costumize graphical aspects of mIRC, et cetera.
    A deeper use of mIRC scripting allows you to create, for instance, simple games and daemoms, mp3 players, email clients, there are even ICQ and MSN clients. Much of this is NOT IRC related.
    You’ll find in the zip file you can download from this page a text file containing the instructions telling mIRC how to show you the listed servers, what to do when you choose to click a certain button and so on. You just have to load the file and you shall be able to do what is written on the description afterwards.
    I hope this little explanation was enough…[This review has been edited by Cataphract]

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    Stilettø Posted more than 20 years ago


    il review l8er

    Violet CLM Posted more than 20 years ago

    What does it do?

    “Multiplayer launcher for mIRC 5.91, 6.0, 6.01 and 6.02. Allow you to serve games, join servers and edit player 1. Supports both 1.23 and 1.24. Pings the servers.”

    …that doesn’t really explain it. mIRC and JJ2 are two different things. The explanation doesn’t quite make sense.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

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    spazz Posted more than 20 years ago

    Usefull, but since this is a progam I won’t rate…

    SpearMaN CC Posted more than 20 years ago

    It’s have a found i was instal it and my Norton anti virus program say that the program a big virus have’s… so i give it an 2 but i dont rating it because it an 9.2 now have’s very very bad!

    (The detection of the Flood IRC backdoor in Registry.dll is a false positive. Disregard it and add Registry.dll to the exclusions list. I can personally guarantee this file clean. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

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    Amstel Posted more than 20 years ago

    Very ussefully

    mickej 26 Feb 2007, 10:55 (edited 26 Feb 07, 12:53 by Fquist)

    VIRUS Trojan!

    [Unsupported rating (1.7) clearance. This download does not contain a trojan, as the note on top of the page says. Please provide good reasons for rating a download. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Fquist]

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