CTF Pack

  • Rating: 6.7

Reviews and comments

    blurredd Posted more than 21 years ago


    Before I begin my review, I must tell you that you seem to allows neglect to say that this is a TSF level and not 1.23.

    As for the levels, “Get that flag! :P” isn’t too bad for a 1st CTF level. The gameplay is playable; it’s just a little cramped at in places. I never really liked one tile high passage ways. I think the level is too big for just two +1 carrots (unless I neglected to find other carrots). The level’s name isn’t too creative, though, but the level itself is alright.

    I didn’t like the next level “Infected” too much because it’s way too cramped. The gameplay is balanced, but it lacks good flow.

    The final level “Canyon Capture” is also a tad bit cramped, but I think this is the best levels in the pack. It has the best flow out of all of these levels.

    In all of the levels, there is good weapon placement and the eye candy is alright. I don’t know how useful a +1 carrot is, so I would advise using a full energy carrot instead. Nothing too special with these levels, but they all have potential.

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