Three extremely short Diamondus levels.
The third level is the same as the second, in fact, except that most things are blocked off, except one path, which leads directly to the boss. Booooring.
The eyecandy is ok, but it’s not very good. Major overuse of the gem wall tiles.
The design’s ok, though the levels are small, and it gets confusing now and then.
I don’t like playing these levels, though. Especially with the super fast generating bees.
Posted more than 21 years ago
You had a good idea here, but the levels were way to short.
Also, if you use the Frostbiters you get in episode 1 before epidode 2, you
need to cheat to finish. I’ll be mean and review each level individually.
Level 1: This level starts out by saying something in another language. No
idea what it says. 4 bees and 3 gems later, the exit. I can tell you got the BG
right by modifying Epics level =P.
Level2: Another epic level modification. Somewhere in here you get 15
freezers, which you need to use sparingly.
Level3: Another epic level modification. Better still have those freezers, or
you’ll be there forever.
Overall, I’ll give it a 1.2, beacuse I liked how the boss had 2 turtles with him.
Tsk tsk, no point in posting it twice, waster of space.