You can tell by the file size this isn’t going to be very big. He didn’t spell the level name right, there’s only one carrot in the level and you need to get up a bunch of platforms just to reach it. There’s hardly any spot to actually battle here. I’ll give it a 1.7, just because I’m trying to be nice
Posted more than 21 years ago
This level is way too small, and contains nearly nothing in the eyecandy area.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Ok, just because I’m so nice (and can’t stand those short non-descriptive reviews and that shouting of yin yang) I’ll review this properly, unlike you I’ll-make-this-preview- so-I’ll-be-rid-of-that-author-who-can’t-make-levels-at-all kind of ppl.
Well, the first thing i saw about this battle level was that it was linear, or platfrom. a bit no no for battle levels. one long road at the beginning with a canyon with smal platforms at the end. Also, the author placed large areas of the same ammo at serveral places. That’s all there’s basicly to it. I can tell it’s made from an official unfinished level (Tube3 IIRC) and it was made in a hurry.
All in all, I can’t give higher than a 2.5, I’m afraid. Keep on practicing, yin yang, and study other good battle or CTF levels (I suggest rating 8 or higher). Also, would you mind not shouting at the reviewers? They are only doing their job to help you build better levels. If you keep on shouting, you’re likely to get banned.
- JelZe GoldRabbit
Sorry about that shouting :’(.
(ps > I am busy with a much better battle level! ;))[This review has been edited by YIN YANG FELLAH]