Holy fuck it’s a nultiplayer lvl over 50kb and it’s HUGE
Posted more than 21 years ago
The best hotel ever seen 8-0
There are all what a hotel need. THE PERFECT HOTEL! Ahemzz..
There are rooms. Nice rooms. But i don’t got a room. snifff
There’s a shop. All things cost the same, a banana and a shield. Don’t play this level in Battle.
There is a siwmpool.. Ah…. With pinball and sucker.
Found the exit! I played it in treasure hunt =)
Sports. Oh amma! This rulez! Swimming, running.. All is here.
WoW! Rollercoaster. I think this is the best of all.
A really rollercoaster.
Overall: The best hotel ever. Download this NOW! Or you will die.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Mine was better
First, the rollercoaster isn’t original. Much people used it. But the hotel is awesome. It has very much original things, including a Sauna, and that kind of stuff. The eyecandy is just awesome: download this, because you MUST see this![This review has been edited by Fl@$h aka BlewMeUp]
Posted more than 21 years ago
So far so good very nice level
it runs very slow bcuz its so big thats the only thingie wat sucked kinda too big i gues..
didnt checked out the whole level yet
and the tileset used is Beach eh?[This review has been edited by Stilettø]
Posted more than 21 years ago
OK,I think I have to review.
Since this tileset took me the 1st place,I decded to download it,of course.
And I’m glad to see that you really deserved it.
So take the 8.5 and scram.;)
I really can’t understand why someone gives this 7, that just plain sucks.
There’s lots of fun gameplay, in many hours, this is really a great hotel to host.
It’s the best I ever saw.
Instead of normal hotels, this have evrything, it’s not boring to play.
Download recommmed!
And I thought a hotel was just a hotel, not a luxury resort.
Posted more than 21 years ago
HEY… not bad. very nice level, with all that a Hotel Need!!
This is a FiveGoldenStar Hotel.
The Way it is builded is COOL i really like the Rollercoaster!! but the ‘‘Shake’‘ is VERY bad, if you ask me!! you almost can’t stear youself (guess that isn’t a bug…) and at the Exit there is Springs that push you away… but that is the only bad thing i see in this hotel… no, i have 1 more: I DON’T HAVE A ROOM!!!! cries like a baby … but the other rooms is very good. still sniffing . The start is also good, when enter the hotel, you can’t get out… very nice. but the elevator in the start doesn’t work.
overall a 9.2 from me to this exellent Hotel.[This review has been edited by Snowball][This review has been edited by Snowball]
Posted more than 21 years ago
Posted more than 21 years ago
I don’t have time to write a real review so I’ll just say it’s VERY good, EVERYONE DOWNLOAD THIS NOW! :-p
Posted more than 21 years ago
This an aa perfect hotel! im too tired to write big review so im just gonna give an 9 like labratkid.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Great hotel for
an 9 from me!
a VERY cool hotel. I have played this map a lots of times with my friend in net :)
cool thingys:
+secret house area
-when in net, it shoots only ever 10th shot :(
-big to dl in net
Download this now and host a server with this map!!!11
17 Mar 2007, 11:59
Rating Fîvé GólÐèñ Stâr Hôtèl
To start:
This Treasure Hunt-level is sometimes a little bit strange, but very good.
Eyecandy: (20 pts)
The Eyecandy is very well. The best is the background, with that city and the mountains. Also the paths is good decorated, but some things don’t fit, like the fire in the swimming pool…
Result: 16 pts
Gameplay: (20 pts)
Good! To get gems you need to do challenges and games into the hotel. Like Mountain Climbing and Karate and you can also play Pinball… and there are lot of… well… doors. It are spring doors. (do you understand me?) You need to freeze them to pass. But there are two shortcomings. One: the enemies in the water. This is a Treasure Hunt level, not a Single Player level. And two: there is no exit. So if you have collected enough gems, you can’t exit the level to win! But furthermore it is a very good gameplay.
Result: 17 pts
Gem placement: (20 pts)
The gems are well placed! You can get them by completing challenges and games! I think you’ll say: “The gem placement is good!”. NOT! There is a generator on the gems, so they’ll always appear back and that makes it too easy. If there was no generator on the gems I’ll gave you 19 points… but now just 12…
Result: 12 pts
Bonus placement: (10 pts)
The same like the gem placement: there is a generator on the gems, so they’ll always appear back.
Result: 6 pts
In spite of the placements, enemies and the fact that there is no exit this is still a download recommendation. If you have fixed the shortcomings, I will change my review, but for now you have a highly creditable 7,6 for this episode.
Total points: 51
Maximum number of points: 70
Calculating: 51/70*9+1=*7,6*
Mark: 7,6 (7,5571428571428571428571428571429)
Download recommendation: 
23 Dec 2009, 12:05 (edited 23 Dec 09, 12:11 by cooba)
i have one word that can describe this hotel:perfect.
i gave it 10 rating,everything is good,no errors,i cant think
of anything bad,so thats why this review is too short
btw,can you make me a room if there is free space?
oh btw i recommend this download :D
[Review changed to quick review. For more information, see Review Rules. ~cooba]
Posted more than 21 years ago
This level is perfect for alot of people but i cant seem to play it in mutiplayer but even playing it alone is 10/10.
Ok,back to original reveiw
The rooms are huge and seperated
The games are fun but i still hav problems with shaking
EyeCandy is perfect
Download Recommendation
Lets start
First, ill do a report on the rooms
The rooms: I must say I was expecting quite more rooms, but the detail in those few rooms make up for it. It is well detailed, goes beyond what a normal room should have etc.
The games/fun: They are interesting and fun, just like the name. The rollercoaster idea, i dun care about originality, was marvelous. I felt it could of been abit longer, but ingenius nonetheless. The pinball was above average, to say the truth, ive never seen a better pinball :O:O:OThe test was irritating and hard, but thats what you get out of tests, but it was good as well. The freeze idea rox, and was really well made and fun. The shaking was cool too, an interesting idea. I did have trouble getting out when i first tried shaking, but got used to the routine later on. Disco rocked, like the red and black tiles. Springroom also looked cool
Sports: The sports were also well done, i cant remember all of them so i cant say much. Some could of been expanded, but i dont think SuperSaiyan did that because the filesize is already big.
Swiiming pool/Bank: The swimming pool was good, some what i think are diving boards are included, a sauna etc. The bank had creativity but lacked size.
Store: Lacked size, but still was interesting. The prices were a bit unfair, having a seekr pu as much as a sugar rush etc.
What else did i forget, oh yeah, battle: The battle room rocked, love the tile and weapon placment etc. I also liked the secret way, it allowed you to explore the level more and stuff. I cant remember anything else, and really arent in the mood for checking, but i will mention what I think is by far the best in this level than any other hotel. That thing is eyecandy. No hotel ive seen so far had eyecandy even half as good asthis. People just think OMG HOTELS ARE ONLY FOR ROOMS AND GAMES, WHO CARES AOBUT EYECANDY, THIS IS ONLY A HOTEL. Well, that aint true, any level should have good eyecandy, even if its 10×10 tiles small! This is certainly the best hotel level which is made form the best hotel tileset and i reccoemend you to download this. Its better than most levels, really (i mean non hotel levels)
Hm..This review didnt take as long as i thought, and it was fun, counting as my 250th review=)
Woops, forgot mah rating=P
Ill leave it NA, since my rating is undecided….
[This review has been edited by Derby since Blackraptor now has only 249 reviews since he deleted 1][This review has been edited by Blackraptor]
Aw, about that shaking room, it is very easy to go out. You only need to know how: There are no winds at the exit, so you can actually stand within the area of 5×4 tiles without moving to places, so you can easely exit the place. But just dont hit the springs ;P
i dont know the password=(
(Rating removal. Do not rate things low just because you are unaware of the password, as da man said. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Don`t rate low because you dont know the password. Try to host it or find it in home cooked levels to test it. Maybe it`s too big for that. And if your blind, just read the readme. You will find the password. I don`t say it lol of course not you have to find out Sheriff-Murder.
WHOAH!! This is the best hotel I ever seen before! Nice RollerCoaster, pool, mini-games,and more of that stuff!!
This is real work with JCS!(for the one they dusnt know, that’s above means JazzCreatonStation;)
A 8.7 from me, YEE!
Download recommeded:YESYESYESYESYESYES!
Host this:YESYES!!Shure!!
[This review has been edited by wadledee]
(I ever seen before? JCR? Creaton? Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM][This review has been edited by wadledee]
Wow, very good hotel
This is super.
(This is unsupported! Rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
3 Aug 2009, 03:50
i cant play because it says your jazz jack rabbit 2 not installed correctly