Posted more than 21 years ago
I complweted it! And I’m first to review also. So, all levels use the same tileset, but it isn’t bad – this tileset is very stretchy I can say, ideas for using it can be lots of. I like the story, and those cartoon guys are really funny too! The thing that madwe me laugh was going by the Dommie’s neck (kinda I felt like Alice from a well known story), and most great idea was jumping on the riding cars (but you should make the ground a belt left event with big speed. Anyway, this is fun!
Posted more than 21 years ago
<font size=“2” color=“blue“hmm…
Acces Violation on the first level isn’t a good start.
The levels look a bit weird, there is 2 many different things, but the music choise is very good.
but i still don’t like the levels.
but the tileset is good. a lot of good/usefull tiles, both a Text sign, poles, spikes, dest scen, belts, and a lot of cool animations, like: fire, belt, Cartoons, and so on…
very usefull, almost no missing tiles, maybe a sucker tube and a vine should be included nxt time, but i still like it. lots of cool background stuff like flowers, houses, cartoons, bushes, and both some underground tiles and some factory-looking cool tiles.
a 6.0 for the levels, and a 8.2 for the tileset.
overall a 7.2
Posted more than 21 years ago
(2)Level 1- Very nicely done. (+1) Suprisingly good storyline too! (+1)
(0)Level 2- Nice level, (+1) but maybe it could have been a bit longer. (-1)
(2.75)Level 3- My favorate. (+2) I love the part where all the helmuts fall from the ceiling. But it’s been done before. (+0.25) The timing laser parts are nice, as well as the falling bridges. (+0.25) No need to give that hint about the crate though. (-0.25) The timing spike balls is a very nice idea. (+0.5)
(0.75)Level 4- The ‘follow my neck’ is a great and original idea! (+0.25) And the crashing through the fire demeon is a really cool idea! (+0.25) The part where you need to figure out which block holds the crate is nice. (+0.25)
(1.5)Level 5- YAY! A moving level! (+1) lol, but the lizards can fall off the cars. Not a very good enemy choice. (-0.5) The zoo is a nice idea! (+0.25) The vines are nice too! (+0.25) The truck of lizards is very original. (+0.5).
(1.5)Level 6- Early Xmas. Aye, the clouds aren’t very well ummm… qauwrdinated. You should have worked on that. (-0.5) Nice level. (+2) Too short. (-1)
(1.25) Level 7 Industrial hell!! The lasers are way too fast. (-0.5) Use of sound effects. (+0.5) Blocks are nice touch. (+0.25) Yay! More falling helmuts! (Allready gave points for that in other level) Hmmm…. The blocks can be impossible to pass. This may have been on purpose, but it’s not a good idea. You should have made them regenerate. (-1) Boulder area isn’t fully functional. Again, this may have been on purpose, but its not very chalenging. You should have made it a slope, or at least make more boulders fall. (-0.5) Another gameplay bug; the triggers overs the spikes dont work. You should have fixed this. (-1) I dont really like the lizard ambush, since it’s not avoidable. (-0.5) Pinball bit is nice. (+0.25) Animation bug. Probably not your fault. Devan turns into Eva every once in while. Nice level in general. (+1) Pretty good boss scene. (+0.25)
-Overall: Very nice episode. Medioker tileset, yet aproriate for the episode. (Cartoon). I can see that lots of work went into this, and its also very original. The music was also very well choson. Maybe add in a few more items next time, like food and stuff.
In-Game Description Rating: 5.75
(Download recomendation-YES!!)
Thumbs up from me![This review has been edited by Gargoyle]
Posted more than 21 years ago
Fun! Funny guys in there.
Posted more than 21 years ago
This is brilliant. It is fun, it has the right bosses at the right times and the tileset is nice. There is lots of animation. However, the masking is a little bit too accurate, and you occasionally get stuck in the walls.
I didnt find this as good as most of you did. The story is good, not bad, but good. The effects in some levels are really cool, falling enemies, the “car ride” and stuff like that, but the level didnt have as much eyecandy and i think the tileset was made in MS paint. The wierd cartoons are cool and………….interesting.
Overall tileset/music choice rating: 8.5
Overall level rating: 6.9
Overall pack rating: 7.7
Posted more than 21 years ago
This is cool and the tileset is cool to!
It’s only a little hard but that doesnt matter.
Grab this 8.7
Posted more than 21 years ago
Man… I have realy enyod this episode. A little bit hard but thats adds fun. Very cool titleset, nice story. And the music is cool. Funny you can shoot the demons. Here is the 9 you realy deserf.
I liked to play this episode.
You made a cool tileset, cool levels and the story is good.
Funny music, and like spazz said: it IS cool that you can shoot them demons.
26 Jun 2005, 06:05
No this can’t be – another worthless piece of file with HIGH RATING. This episode is the worst thing I’ve ever seen or play (not for long I must admit) the graphic is just stupid, do not make anymore tilesets for Jazz go play with your crayons :P Yuck yuck yuck, it just disgusts me. (See more about it in tileset review)
Music in the first level is as stupid as the graphics are.
Leveldesign as far as I was able to bear to see was hopeless – far below average. Do not touch JCS again and when you do don’t upload effects here. I don’t know what talents you’ve got but tileset and level creating are your anti-talents for sure.
Now I must search through whole my download and delete everything ‘made by satan’. Another such shock would kill me.
Oh and the last thing: change the name of this episode to Silly Childish Episode and look at some cartoons (or original Jazz graphics) to know what does cartoon means.
and here’s my answer to da man’s comment:
I’m expanding rating list and what do I see: aahh -> ‘1’ (it is right there believe me). Now, let’s say I find some episode “no fun at all”, should I:
a) rate it 1.0 because that’s my opinion about this pack
b) rate it higher just because other players do so ?
In service Jazz 2 Online we have democratic way of posting reviews and rating uploaded files. Some may like it others may not, but only administration of this site decides about it. What’s that democratic system then – it means: majority decides, but minority preserves its rights to have different point of view.
As you all can see: majority of high ratings gives current file a high overall rating even though I rated it lowest possible way. Well, 7.5 is still very high rating …
There is another system which is not practiced on this website and it is called totalitarism. It’s when all people must act the same even when some think other way. In that case I had to choose option ‘b’.
I know satan has made an effort and spent some of his free time to make this pack. But I’m not here to rate how much work he did but how good is the effect. Surprisingly I do not see any comments from authors of levels that i’m reviewing. Why do other play a role of their advocates is not my problem. Being a new person on this site doesn’t make me any worse than people who are here longer (well, at least I do not see it in “The rules”) very often a new point of view is something positive.
I apologize all offended (if there are any) authors for my reviews, but honesty is what I appreciate most.
P.S. User Snooz must try harder to offend me in reviews area or PMs. Silly insults only make me laugh ;)
5 Mar 2006, 16:54 (edited 5 Mar 06, 16:56)
Rating Cartoon Episode:
RATING OBSTACLES: Not all levels are hard. Lvl 2 is pretty simple, but the final is pretty hard.
RATING TILESET: You’ve made itself, but it is not my favorite with that demons.
RATING MUSIC: That’s a pretty good choice, but I don’t like the music.
RATING STORY: There is no story? What happened before the adventure starts?
Download recommendation: NO
Posted more than 21 years ago
it’s a realy cool episode with a weird story! the graffics are good and many good animations
download this…
(Rating removal. Please do not rate friends levels higher than others. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
(Semimild personal attack removal. ~Violet)