2 CTF maps.

  • Rating: 8.1

Reviews and comments

    Chickenkiller Posted more than 21 years ago


    Not exactly I would call crap. These maps have preety sharp design and the readme that comes with the levels offers descriptions and spoiliers to help newbs.
    One of the maps sets you off in a dungeon with multiple ways to the bases includeing a water route it is also symetrical evening out the bases. Item placement is nifty to.
    The next map the placement of items is good. There are a few deadends but they are short and offers goodies and makes you make sure there is no one following you. The lighting in this level made it run slow on my computer but its very playable. These maps also require teamwork if you don’t want a solo dude sneaking in your base and out with the flag. Ppl on defence offence middle etc.

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    Blackraptor Posted more than 21 years ago


    Aquatic Dungeon 3: The eyecandy was overdone and confusing at times, but it looked ok and a bit strange. The water shouldnt have been there, but then the level would lose the point of it. Still, you shouldnt have made the player be able to touch the water, looks kinda screwy and hardto see.Layout could use more work but its ok. As far as I could tell the level had a mask around it (invisible tiles), but im not sure a one tile mask will prevent the flag bug. I also got stuck in the red shield tower (and in the same place in the blue shield tower) and found out ive stumbled onto a layer 3 hidden shield (or justan invisible one) and used TNT to escape being trapped and grabbed the shield. Having 2 shields freely lying in a level isnt good, especially when they are poorly placed. I’ve barely found the shield and found it by luck, and what if I hadnt any TNT with me, would I have been stuck forever? Not too good..
    Navigation: O.K
    Eyecandy: Good
    Layout: O.K.
    Pickup placement: O.K.
    Rating: 7
    Stronghold showdown arena:
    Firstly, why does this level have a width of around 738 tiles, when it doesnt use around half of them? Some interestingly creativly used tiles, and there is a mask around the level (some parts consisting of invisible tiles), and there are to many one tiled high hard to get through passages. therr were also a few dead ends. I dont know why the author has included an airboard, but oh well.
    Navigation: Poor
    Pickup placement: O.K.
    Rating: 7
    My final rating is a 7. I might have given this a 7.7, but the 9 is overated.

    The levels do probably require teamwork, and its like soccer or football(having forwards a.k.a ones who go for the opponents flag, defences who defend their base and midfeilders who wander about in the center of the level. Because of this, i will give the levels 7.2 instead. Teamwork CTf levels are good and strategic, they get you thinking more than normal CTf levels do. I would of rated this higher, but there are some cons which force me to lower my mark. Like ChickenKiller said, this is definately not crap, and worth a download reccomendation.

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