Gerudo Valley

  • Rating: 2.3

Reviews and comments

    Violet CLM Posted more than 21 years ago


    Yeah, I can see that. Word of advice: You don’t have to use a cheap PSP texture to give tiles textures. Just a few pixels of different colors still looks a lot better then.. this. Whatever it is.

    The tileset consists of an animated text sign that takes up about a quarter of the tileset, a yellow circle (sun), five or so small clouds, a green periscope, some single-color ground tiles, with addable grass, some brown bricks (with transparent cement or whatever), some purple destruct etc blocks, some single color background mountains, a bunch of letters, two things using the author’s name, and the most unlikely to work working textured background I’ve ever seen.
    If that didn’t put you off enough, the whole thing’s on automask. And most of the black was 0,0,0, so it became transparent.

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    CraccoBoy Posted more than 21 years ago


    Ehm… I don’t really like this tileset much =(

    Ugly <-> Boring

    read what Violet said ;P

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    sonicnathan 1 10 May 2009, 04:09

    1.5Not recommended:

    I’m completely bored right now so I think I’ll write a random review.

    What this is
    This is supposed to be Gerudo Valley tileset and when i first saw the name, I thought this was going to be sort of rip from the game. I was dead wrong. This is a cheep MS paint job that you can barley call a tileset. Still, could be much worst.
    What this contains
    Ok where to begin. To start off there is an animated periscope at the top of the tileset. It looks bad as there’s no shading on them. Next there’s an animated text sign that has THE LONGEST animation sequence I’ve ever seen in a tileset. It takes up almost 6 rows! There’s no need. then there’s some ground or sand but there’s no shading making it look bad. Then there’s a sun and clouds for some eyecandey. There’s some diamond things and poles I think. Mountains that look the same as the ground. then there’s some bricks and a bunch of letters. A background that completely sucks and if it worked as a textured background I would piss myself. then there’s some stuff about the author and that’s it. There’s also some grass. The tiles don’t look that good but at least there are some basics in there.
    Pallet Events
    Um….the jazz pallet is fine.
    Atuo-mask nuff said.
    It’s more of a factor of would you even us it. If you do, your choices are very limited and nothing that good can come out of it. Even the example level can’t make this tileset look good.

    Final Score:5/30
    Rank: F
    DR? Normally I would say to keep trying but since this was uploaded in 2002, (I’m writing this this in 2009) I can say this tileset is really bad and I couldn’t say yes to download. Download if you want to see the longest text animation you’ve ever seen, but other then that, no.

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