The Old, the Classic and still one of the Better downloads..
lotso EyeCandy, Lotso Fun nice (and Weird layout)
I would say a good replacement of the Orginal (by Cliff) Battle Levels =)
There is a lil lack of Weapons but that wont hurd the level a bit.. =)
anywayz get this classic
Posted more than 21 years ago
The design is absolutely terrific and its very very playable! Eyecandy is not very original or anything, tho’ (as always in Jeh’s levels). And Shadow is right, this could really make a good 4th default battle level.
"Under Siegeness" is another important part of J2 community history, thats why everyone should add it to his or her homecooked level folder and host a server once in a while.
I dont like full energy carrots like the one in "Under Siegeness". They decrease the playing fun sometimes.
not bad, i dont like the tileset though
The level is a little small. But that’s a good thing =) It’s a good level but there is a lack of ammo in some areas I would take out the full energy carrot, your better off to have just the normal carrots.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Hehe, i did’nt need to download this, it came with TSF:D. This is a pretty well designed level. It has a good use of the old, boring castle tileset. Download this clasic now. You wont regret it:p