Posted more than 21 years ago
So, this is a chinese-based tileset. It has some chinese symbel things on signs and bad-looking pale peachish ground covered in what looks like snow. It also
has a ripped warp animation and some plant things. Some tips- spend more time on your tilesets, when you submit them, mark them as tilesets and not other, and try not to rip tiles.
BAD RATING ALERT!!! ADMINS, PLEASE DETAIN Br>spazy12!!!![This review has been edited by RSPSS FR]
Posted more than 21 years ago
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Thats a lot of the same thing. Erm, I see you ripped a warp anim, and some crates, but those are the only ripped things I noticed. You drew the ground fairly well, but the sign does not attace to the ground. Thats about the entire tileset execpt for a lot of background tiles wich you won’t use some of. Plus, the biggest thing is that 75% of the tileset is the same pattern over and over and over again.[This review has been edited by Inf. Spaz]
It looks like china.You’ve done well.
But everything other failed.Sorry for rating.
But download recommended cos it is cool :)…
Luke Puke is my Friend,I now him.
(While it makes my job significantly more easier when you admit that you know him and therefore rate the level higher, it would make it even easier if you would not do this in the first place. Rating removed. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
well the tileset (is bad)!!!!
but the level is good
[Please rate the tileset only, and also behave ~cooba]