Posted more than 21 years ago
Good Idea, but there are hundreds of space invader clones out there.
Ok, here’s my review:
Graphics: 9/10
There are a lot of cool graphics for the spaceships, the fire, the explosions, and the background. Unfortunately, the fire and explosions are a bit “dotty”. Jazz is pointing his gun upward, so that was ok.
Control: 9/10
Unlike the original Space Invaders, you can move relatively fast. Thus, movement is very easy.
Sound: 9/10
The only sounds you hear are shooting and exploding noises, just like the original, but they are pretty cool. So don’t expect any music.
Difficulty: 6/10
Not very hard, but no games are hard for me.
Game Length: 6/10
I just downloaded it and already beat it. Not too long, but read comment above.
Overall: 7.7
An ok game in graphics and stuff, but really easy to beat. Download if you want.[This review has been edited by BlackRabite]
Well, basically, this is Space Invaders, only your character is Jazz looking up. While Jazz can look up in two directions, only one is used.
The other thing that relates this to Jazz is that in some of the levels, various Jazzish things are spelled out with the black blocks that annoyingly get in your way.
The apparently, only added detail is that there’s a powerup, which when gotten, gives you a few shots that go through everything. You can only have one shot in play at a time.
The things you have to defeat are little UFOs, not the ones Spaz shoots down, and I’d say everything else (other then Jazz) is from some other Space Invaders game, as well.
If you haven’t already got some other Space Invaders thing, you might as well download this.
Posted more than 21 years ago
I’m not very good at it, though I’ve always liked SI. So, here it goes:
Gameplay: Only one powerup. There should be diffrent types. Also, there are too many UFOs in some levels. -1.0
Pictures: UFOs looking very unreal, copied, and downright bad. A picture of Jazz shooting up was stolen from JJ2, and the powerups and shot look very bad. -1.0
Other: 5.5
High Score list: 1.5
Sound: 2.5
Overall: 7.5 A fair game, download it if you like.
jAZz MaN
Posted more than 21 years ago
Nice game though could use better graphics.
Posted more than 21 years ago
very great one radium, though could you
make the sounds 16 bit because my system doesn’t like 8 bit
Graphics = 10/10, excellent graphics but this is a very small area, I don’t care about graphics.
Control = 8/10, there should be more weapons and Jazz moves weirdly.
Gameplay = 5/10, Good but nothing happens when UFOs leave screen, and they can’t even destroy buildings. Plus you should’ve added Lori and Spaz.
Sound = 3/10, good song but only song.
Difficulty = 5/10, It’s easy and it’s hard at times. I only got up to level 3 then the spaceships went off the screen.
Math: 5+3+5+8=31
31/5 = 6.2
Overall: 6.2 for you
Well, this is a good fangame. IT has multiple levels and its fun to play. It is easy to beat once u get used to it, but it makesu want to get a higher score every time you play. Graphics very well done, sound could of been better, for instance, it could of been different for every level, same with the setting. The black blocks looked a little strange at first and didnt really fit in, but I got used to them.
Anyways, i cant make a good long review on this game, so ill end of saying it was well doen and fun to play, but could of been better. An 7.7 for your effort. Good job!
28 Oct 2008, 05:36
this prog was okay. Certainly better than some space invader clones I haveseen floating around, but I’m afraidit’s rather primitive. It is almost completely bug-free, except for theone Lark pointed out. Still, it is a fun little program to play,
even though I was never at all good at Space Invaders. :(:(:(
Oh well.
dl rec, I suppose, and nice work.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Sure, there’s hundreds, but this is the only game I’ve made that’s glitch-free!
Sorry for reviewing my own level, but I wanted to add that I think the
maximum score in the game (or the highest I could get) is 55400.
Posted more than 21 years ago
finds a glitch
Radium used the thing that says that the player only stops moving when no button is pressed. If you are shooting and moving, and stop moving when shooting, you keep moving.
Can’t review this. It crashes when I click START.
Uhh… no… you just have to let it load