Posted more than 21 years ago
Evil Mike showed us how to use this J1 tileset in his beautiful Shine-O-Rific level.
Now, this level includes great background music (very good choice!!! its from the game "Fury of the Furries") and uses a superb custom tileset but the most important things are nearly completely missing: design and eyecandy!
The selection of weapons is good i think.
To sum it up: this level has more potential, the author should spend some more hours in front in front of his/her JCS. But if you like high quality tracked music, you should download this.
Posted more than 21 years ago
The background isn’t terrible. The rest of the eyecandy however is poor. Some of it just looks wrong and other parts don’t fit the level.
Gameplay is average. The flow wasn’t very good and there were many dead ends, but it seemed that it was still satisfactory.
Item Placement
This is the level’s best part. Weapon selection and placement is above average, but not enough to make this level worthwhile.
A pretty average level with bad eyecandy and OK weapon placement. I can’t really recommend this for download, but keep trying.
Small, I admit. But it’s nice and open with many secrets, some just under your little rabbit nose!
This goes without saying. You do not rate your own level.