Well this tileset is pretty close to what Blode is really. It captures the feel of and just about everything about it. As far as the masking goes, well, it’s not that good. Eyecandy appears awfull but blame that on the creator of Blode so i won’t rate it on that ;P
Posted more than 21 years ago
Blode is evil. It was designed by a foo and it only appeals to foos (and the occasional FEIND).
This tileset, however, does look like it is in blode land. That would give it a somewhat high rating. Unfortunately, the mask is rather icky, lowering the rating by a substantial 2.5 points.
Posted more than 21 years ago
w00ty. Blode ownz j00 all. nuff said
P.S. Spoy I probably won’t get ICQ, from what I have heard from so many others is that it sucks. How about you just get AIM, or maybe we’ll just use MSN. I’ll try to get another account on MSN for JJ2ers only..[This review has been edited by KJAZZ]
I don’t like this tileset. I think the idea is childish and it shows Adolf Hitler. Yes, I watched the movie Spot never the less it showed Hitler, I think this is wrong. The tileset is ok looking not that great. Good colors.
This is an…odd tileset based on the flash movie Blode, featuring disembobied heads, tanks with the Pringle head on it, a very clean musk-ox and some generally messed up stuff. However, some of the mask is messed up, and there isn’t too much eyecandy. A very small D/L reccomendation.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Argh. Another barfing tileset by Spoy. It0s an oddo tileseto based on the movie Blode. Do not download this, no eyecandy, and too much jacsvs. bx],vcaavcvksfvc, vcsas. You know it? Sorry Spoy, dont download this!
argh, whenever i post a review it posts twice. Why was my old review deleted?
oh well
like i said earlier, its a good tileset
8 points for fooruman and 0.7 points for tileset.
(Rating removal. Rating is of questionable source. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Posted more than 21 years ago
Anyways, I NEVER expected someone to do a blode tileset. What’s next, a Homestar Runner tileset? Hmm.. maybe somebody already did that. I’ll go check.