Posted more than 21 years ago
Nice musics, i hate
reviewing musics but oke.
i give this music(s) 7.7
ther ar long and slow.
(Delayed rating removal. Music is hard to rate. Please provide more detail, though. There is nothing good or bad about “long and slow” music; explain why you gave it a 7.7. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Cool music!
(Rating removal. If you are going to give such a high rating, you should provide a longer review. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Ok… Here goes something… I’ll start with this one:
‘Unreal Crypt’
This music is ok, very good and is not as strange as i probably thought. Nothing too bad there, the sound of some acient drums thing in the background is sure good, very long and real good
Rating: 8.0
‘Shared Dig’
Hmm… Well this is almost the same as Unreal Crypt, plus the drums things are still in the background. There is a piano/space guitar like sound in there, it’s ok…… Wait… I heard this…
Rating: 8.0
‘Hub 3’
Hmm….. At the start… It’s like too quiet, but it starts then a couple of seconds later.. Quite strange if you ask me, i have no intention of flaming, but this song is strange, but good nonetheless…
Rating: 7.5
Ahh….. I think i quite mistaked this one for the first one at the top… But here’s the on-topic part:
It’s good, it uses a flute and also some parts that i recgonize, very good for a castle like theme or for a Jungle Theme (probably gonna be used in World Desolation). So i can that this is just as good as the first two.
Rating: 8.0
Bugs, Problems, Bad stuff: None
Final Score: 9.7
(Rating removal. This is NOT to be rated. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Posted more than 21 years ago
I am not going to rate it because this music is for the Unreal episode but the music is cool!!!
Posted more than 21 years ago
please admins delete ratings…[This review has been edited by Danyjel]