Posted more than 21 years ago
And so, Iam Canadian has uploaded his first level to J2O. But is it good, or is it crap? Lets see.
I have played this level online, and it is pretty fun. The disapearing blocks and the chatroom are a bad idea IMO, and the “Canada Rulez” thing only deducts from the rating…(j/k)..
So, in conclusion, umm, I will tell you part of a chat I had earlier with Trafton.
“KJAZZ: iam canadian submitted a lvl
KJAZZ: Ultimate Warzone
Trafton: The verdict?
KJAZZ: now, in my past experiences
KJAZZ: anything with “ultimate” in its name (cept for JMMB) is usually inferior
Trafton: lol”
Posted more than 21 years ago
Actually, I like this level in many ways. It makes for a very nice Instagib, in fact. The level is a tad small and shows disregard for anything other than powerups, however. It’s a good level, but you should remove some of the powerups and replace them with 3x ammo or ammo crates.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Well, well, “Ultimate Warzone” (hmmm, if i remember right there was a pretty cool level with the same name years ago…by Distruct of J2LC i think, well, seems like it’s a boring name many people think of, eh?) is a quite average battle level using Overlord’s “Plastic 2” tileset. It is eventually a tad too large regarding the width (210*30 tiles).
The layout is okay, but somehow not really exciting. There are a lot of annoying dead ends and warps that warp you back to the level start at the very left. The weapon placement could have been improved as well: a whole lot of powerups, which are all very easy to get (and that “secret room” isn’t really secret, if you ask me).
Furthermore, i think there is a major lack of eyecandy in “Ultimate Warzone”. A few background layers are used, but not much in the foreground. And on a side note, i don’t like the look of the tileset too much. Quite boring.
The very guitar orientated “Boss” music doesn’t really fit here as well, i think.
To sum it up, “Ultimate Warzone” isn’t my favourite download of the week. There’s just something cool missing. No download recommendation from me, sorry (slightly below the average=4.5).