This level, called “FreeSpace”, is some sort of “SP Assault”. You have to destroy some reactors, altough you don’t have a time limit.
The level uses the Mez01 tileset. The creator used almost every tile and made some kinda original stuff.
The level itself is in a big spaceship. You have to escape with a emergency spacepod, but the entrance to the place where the mini-spaceship is is locked. You have to destroy trigger crates and very much lizards to get there. That’s actually kinda easy, with spaz’s sidekick it’s a piece of cake to destroy all those lizards and there are no other enemies so the level gets boring after some time. There are no real puzzles, you just have to destroy the “reactors” and go to the pod.
The level is kinda fun in the beginning, but gets boring because its lack of puzzles or hard enemies. Try to use more events, and include some hard parts of the level where you have to think, and the level would be great!
[EDIT: The usual spelling errors][This review has been edited by Fl@$h aka BlewMeUp]