As promised, Violet. Here is your 9 for the outrageous level.
P.S. There is a diamondus conversion, I have it, the original one. Ill email it to you if you need it that much.[This review has been edited by Blackraptor]
Edit: Making more and more levels with this, I realize I underestimated this, now for my long review.
Backround: Nice, the orginal blue tube nippius backround was inlcuded. but Violet also took the time and effort to make a tectured backround for us to use. The backround (blue tubes) is the one i mostly use becuase i just feel that and original jj1 tileset should have the original backround.
Important objects: I cant complement violet enough, he added in destruct scenery, suckers, poles etc, and they werent even in the tileset, so again, a comment for this great conversion. It also has arrows, which can come to be very useful in some situations, and as far as I could tell, included every tile in the actual nippius planet, and even added extra tiles even if he didnt have to.
Animations: Violet went overboard with this, to much, but that is a good thing, because animations spiff up the level, most of them here are small and can barely be seen, but so far, this is the no 1. level for most amount of animations, and that is one of the good points.
Floor, walls ceiling etc.: Violet included every floor wall ceiling and stuff like that. This tileset can be used inmany ways. It can be used for outside, in a snow cave, in a frozen solid house like place, or in a snow brick place, or a mix. This is another very good point, since your level doesnt get boring as fast with different scenery.
Everything else: Lets see um, what else ot say except wow, this is a very needed conversion that goes beyond, and ia the best conversion on j20, (not for long since I hear violet is spiffing up a turttemple one which will probably be even better.
My conclusion: A big, a fat, a generous 9.2, congratulations, also a download recc. for the best conversion this community has evah seen. W00t for violet. yeah.
Phew, long review deserves a break[This review has been edited by Blackraptor]