Yay, first reviewer.
Okay, this is just a few blocks and an ugly purple background. No spikes, vines, eye candy nor anything needed to make a propper level of any kind. I think a 2.5 is too high, but I’m not sure, so I think I’ll leave it at that.
Definitely not worth wasting a few minutes/seconds (depends on your connection) and 5kb (4kb tileset, 1kb level) (and I don’t like the music included either).
Its a tileset, containing ONE type of ground, mimisized blocks ripped from super mario 2.
The bagrund is purple, with a little white cirle, that’s supported to look like a sky.
Don’t worry, its getting wrose!
Its automask, and this guy seens not to have control over what colors that disappears, so both the tiles and mask sucks, arful bad.
Its imposible make a decent level with this, you could only go up to a rating near 4, do not even think about download this.
Posted more than 21 years ago
This level has no mask and also is mostly ripped. Making a level using this tileset would be next to impossible, not that you would want to use this tileset anyway. Stay far, far away.
Posted more than 21 years ago
This is not tileset.