Moonblaze and Forest are two words which you should associate, apparently. This tileset is a nature tileset with trees and a giant moon for background eyecandy, so it’s Moonlight Forest. (did the author mean Moonlit?)
While it has all the basic stuff, it doesn’t have much else, the branches can’t be more then one tile wide (two if not attached to anything), and the tree is ugly. The masking on the spikes are bad, and the blocks don’t look too good.
There is a blinking eye animation, but it’s not in the layer 4 background, so it looks weird. The sucker tube only supports corners and straight lines, no T or + there, and the textured background doesn’t work in 8-bit.
Still, it’s ok.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Moonblaze must be a big fan of trees, because he sure makes a lot of tilesets with them. Most of them are pretty good, and this one is no exception. The drawing quality is very nice, though it looks a bit cartoony at some points. The moon in the background looks really good, though the edges are a bit rough. The general necessities are there, though (as Violet mentioned) the sucker tubes are limited to straight lines and turns. It’s hard to make trees that are very good, but the tree in this tileset looks like it was done too quickly. Branches are one tile in length at most, which makes using them tedious and significantly detracts from it’s usefulness. This tileset suffers from several medium-sized pitfalls, but is still pretty good overall. Worth a download recommendation, but beware of the trees. ;-P
Yes Moonblaze does like trees, all the better for me, because i like trees as well, and here are a lot of trees, and leaves, so i like this tileset, but the backround is a bit weird, and the branches are short. The moon is cool, and the ground is ok, overall above average tileset and a download reccomendation