I’m rating this now, so you can stop bugging me with private messages to do so.
This is actually a really good pack. It uses many classic tilesets, and I have to give the levels’ author some credit for his excellent tileset use (7th Lava Fall, Zatox, etc.). The levels are also very good. Eyecandy was nice all-around, though sometimes the layer 3 use caused clipping problems (especially when low detail was turned on, though that was unperventable). Enemy placement was generally very good. The only areas of annoyance were when an enemy like Raven would just fly out of nowhere so quickly it was impossible to react or when an enemy that can fly flew below layer 3, forcing the player to shoot frantically to avoid damage. The areas to run around in were also small, especially in the space levels, but for a (fairly) new levelmaker, this is an amazing pack. There were few tileset use errors, and weapon placement was fairly good (though sometimes looked a bit strange.)
Many of the mistakes that are made by fairly new level authors are not present in this pack, which makes it an excellent look at a new level maker. Not to mention, this pack is great nonetheless. Some of the levels were a bit on the small side and lacked carrots, but otherwise I have no big complaints about gameplay. Adding carrots and maybe a few more save points and making the levels just a tad larger would make for some improvement. Certianally worth the download recommendation and the 8 that I’m giving it. In my opinion, this level isn’t worth a 10, but it’s still very good. :)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]