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Edit: Lol, fun question.. try reuploading it, make sure it’s a .zip, and that there are no weird characters in the name..
Edit: Still doesn’t work.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Why does everyone’s else levels work instead of mine i made 56 level to 100
I got some really bad news!
That this level was deleted after i installed the new windows [This review has been edited by Master Cheater]
BTW! Electric Ir since the original is gone i am making a new one
Not the same but a nicer one[This review has been edited by Master Cheater]
Posted more than 21 years ago
By clicking the reupload button on the top right on this page.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Mail them to me. I will upload them, if you like.
Posted more than 21 years ago
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The requested URL was not found on this server!!!!!!!!!