• Rating: 8.1

Reviews and comments

    Taz Posted more than 21 years ago



    This just a OMGOMG level by EvilmOMG of OMG OLC.
    It’s just only islands, yeah, OMG, and if you fall you will warp. It’s a very symmetric level, a Blue – and OMG Red-base island, and on each island a PU. OMG
    The eyecandy is very OMG, layer 3 is not total, but okay. OMG. Overall a OMG OMG OMG level so OMGOMG downloMGd this now.

    EDIT: OMG!

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    American Posted more than 21 years ago


    SPACE LEVEL WITH ISLANDS” is possibly the most descriptive level title ever (a lot more descriptive, for instance, than “This Level is Untitled.”) and I must say that I like this level, thought it has a few quirks. This level isn’t exactly classic EvilMike design. In fact, this level isn’t classic anything. It features two large floating islands, one for each base. Inbetween these two gigantic floating islands are many smaller islands. To get from one base to another, you must either get the fly carrot (the easiest method) or take the time and energy to hop from island to island. I can’t say that I’m 100 percent sold on the layout. During a frenzied game with a lot of people, it was a chore getting the fly carrot, and really not practical jumping from island to island (it’s easy to slip and fall). If you happen to fall off the islands, you will be magically saved by the warps below, which warp you back to whichever base you started from. You can’t enter the base very far with the fly carrot, so some of the level must be ventured on foot. The islands themselves are too small for me to say what kind of flow they have. It’s hard to really judge the flow of the level, anyway. It’s not easy to navigate, but that’s much of what makes this level so interesting. Eyecandy is very good, but strange-looking. If you aren’t a fan of emerald green, then I dobut that you’ll like how this level looks. There are no tile errors, and everything fits together well. The more people in the server, the less the fly carrot will matter and the more battles on the islands inbetween the bases will. This is where the bulk of the ammo, including the very helpful seeker powerup, lurks. I like this level a lot, and despite the new navigational system, it is still a fun play. If you can get used to the islands and don’t have problems jumping from platform to platform (Mario fans will like this level) then I think you’ll like this level. It’s an excellent download, and worth a download recommendation and an 8.2 rating. Nice job, EvilMike.

    (Note: apparently, since the last release, music has been added and the warping system has been speeded up significantly. The improvements don’t really do much for the rating I’m giving it, but these are welcomed improvements.)

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    DarkSonic Posted more than 21 years ago


    Time for a review.
    First impressions: A level by EvilMike of OLC and DM, which is underrated imo.
    Gameplay: Very Good. This r0x, like R3ptile said. That idea of the level was so original, and the kayout was very original too. Like R3ptile also said, the level has not too many camp places. The size of the level may be quite strange, but I like it. This level doesn’t even need alot of springs. The gameplay is already very good(even without springs). The level seems quite big, and I like that too.
    Conclusion gameplay: Pros: Everything.
    Cons: Nothing.
    Eye candy/Tileset use: Good/Very Good. Nothing really special here, but it’s quite good imo. I think the tileset is used well, and I kinda like it. There isn’t too many, but some places had nice eye candy. Others didn’t have, and that’s probably why the eye candy isn’t perfect or very good.
    Conclusion eye candy/tileset use: Pros: The tileset is used well, and there are some places with nice eye candy. Cons: There could be more eye candy in some places.
    Pickup placement: Very Good. I love the placement here. There is alot of ammo and there is enough in every place. There is a full energy placed in the middle of the level. There are fly carrots, which prevent you from falling I think. They’re also used for the fun I guess. And the originality. There are 3 Power-Ups, A Seeker, Toaster and Bouncy PU. The Bouncy PU is placed at the left-top of the level. There is less bouncy ammo there then Toaster ammo at the right side(with the PU too). The groups of ammo are mostly placed 5 × 2 or 6 × 2 or 7 × 2 × 3 ammo. There is also ammo on that small platforms, which you can get without jumping. The Seeker PU is placed in the centre of that two PU, where are 5 platforms. And the Seeker PU is placed on the 3rd platform of them.
    Conclusion Pickup placement: Pros: Everything what needs to be good.
    Cons: Nothing.
    Originality: Good/Very Good. Yes, this level is very original. I give the complete 8.5 points for it. First: The excellent layout. Second: That interesting use of islands. Third: The placement of that fly carrots. Fourth: The tileset that’s used. And fifth: The music in the level.
    Fun Factor: This level is very fun to play. The bases are easy to defend, but not too easy to kill the opponent after one hit. The RF PU would be nice here, but it doesn’t matter. You can kill he opponent with a RF or Bouncer than too. The full energy is placed on the ground, which prevent it from falling.
    Conclusion fun factor: A very fun level.
    Others: Host this: Yes.
    Download: Yes.
    Final Rating: 8.5.
    - DarkSonic of XSD, CC and XLM -
    [This review has been edited by da man]

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    Blackraptor Posted more than 21 years ago



    This levels idea is good, the floating islands and the warp if u fall and stuff like that. The CTF bases are in ok position, good tileset use, good title ;P, ok stuff like that. I prefer jumping island to island, and i really like EvilMike’s levels, because they have a lot of effort and quality do download this level. I will not say anything else, because Trafton took it all so plz download this

    Firstly, let me point out it is easy to know where each platform is, because you can spot the green roots in the backround, and they are usually on top of the platform. Secondly, I’ve played this and it isnt that hard to stay on, even when during combat. But the level is fun so i’ll upgrade to a 7.7.
    [This review has been edited by Blackraptor]

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    Snowball Posted more than 21 years ago


    had an OMG day there, taz?

    very nice level there, EvilMike, I like it a lot ;)

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    JJ Tublear Posted more than 21 years ago


    I liked this level a lot. First time I am actually rating a CTF level. This level was great. Always hiding at the pillar of the oposing enemies base.

    One thing I found annoying, was trying to get the carrot. And the powerups are also annoying to find. Anywayz, this level is fun, it’s got weapons+powerups+food. Here ya go Mikey!

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    Krezack Posted more than 21 years ago


    Gaaaaaah! You’ve been playing too much Half-Life, or not, still, it ROCKS. Not enough ROCKS.

    Me = Unco n00b, so I wouldn’t know how this level flows, it just ROCKS, though. The whole idea… ROCKS.

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    blurredd Posted more than 21 years ago


    I should have rated this a long time ago. This must be my favorite level that you ever made, at least so far. I’m feeling too lazy for a detailed review (for various reasons) so I’ll just give you an 8.5 and be on my way. Kudos.

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    Andrzej 19 Sep 2012, 08:51


    silwi <3

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    DoubleGJ Posted more than 21 years ago


    THe level is totally simple, only some platforms and two bases. The powerups are in the same place as weapons (same powerup as weapon), so the fight is provided only with powered-up shots (well OK, not all weapons have powerups in this lvl). If that’s not enough, the eyecandy is simple like the construction of a donkey. Anyway, simple levels are good to play (bigger fun than those geek-for assaults where you run from crate to a crate), so this level doesn’t get too low rating. Also I don’t know what to say about the level name… I’m sure that for some way it is original. ;)

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    EvilMike Posted more than 21 years ago

    I’d like to point out that if you simply run off a platform without jumping, you will more likely than not land on a platform below you. Enough practice and you will only be falling if you are fighting (which is the intention).