Ahh, I don’t like this one as much as your other levels. Don’t get me wrong, it’s cool, but I found a collection of problems:
-The bases are quite hard to find
-Size is a little too big
-Overload of weapons in some places…
It is, nonetheless, cool for a level using the evil colonius set. Download or not? You decide.
Posted more than 21 years ago
I can’t help it: i just like Disguise’s level style. And Colonius is actually one of my favourite tilesets. Heh.
I think this is another great quality level release with many interesting ideas of how to use the tileset. No doubt, design and eyecandy are great, as always in Disguise’s levels.
As you may know, i’m not a CTF expert so i can’t say much about the base placement. But i agree with iCED that they were not too easy to locate.
What i dislike a bit is the music choice. I think the fast-paced custom track (which is, btw, not included in the pack!) doesnt fit very good. I’d would like to listen to the original Colonius music here.
Overall, it’s still great and a another Disguise creation that no Jazz fan should miss!!! Download now!
Posted more than 21 years ago
Too large and out in the open, too many weapons in places, something I don’t like about it for some odd reason… Oh, yeah, large. I don’t like this as much as your others, really.
HEY! I like the colonius set! :)
I know it’s too big, that was the point, I actually wanted a big level that could do wonders for a full server. You never get those lately, so it was a bad idea, but I still wanted it big in case :)
I was quite the weapons placement freak back then, so it’s pretty normal to see lotsa weapons from my previous releases, I give you my full permission to rate the levels as low as you want because of that :)
You like the colonius set? Wow, I’ve never been a fan of it. :-)
Fast paced music? BAH! This must’ve been the level I tested my mods with. Originally it had the colonius music. Sorry I didn’t pick this up when I tested the level because I had JJ2 music on mute busy listenign to Club Anthems 2000 (way cool music cd ;)
Ok I just tested the thingy, and the music file is friends.xm. I’m not even suprised that mod is playing, i love it! :) but it’s not da right music for da level. Anyways, for those of you who complain about the hard-to-find bases I removed the password. When it asks for it just press “enter”. I’ll re-upload the level now (i just hope this works).