Trio Space War

  • Rating: 6.5

Reviews and comments

    MR MAGOO Posted more than 21 years ago



    Eyecandy: Not too much to say here, slightly above average eyecandy I suppose. It was a bit plain, the tiles didn’t involve much more than a few crators and simple colours. Strangely enough only one planet had a backround other than the default one which was a mountain in the backround that didn’t move. To tell the truth, the eyecandy was a bit boring. Though this is true, I didn’t see any mistakes, either. Not bad, I’d say. Gameplay: Meh.. I didn’t like it that much. There are blue springs that get in the way of your narrow path in certain areas, and confusing warps. I have to say, the warping scheme was a bit odd. You didn’t always start off with a powerup, infact I rarely did. When you start off you get to pick between three planets to battle in. I don’t at all consider this survivor, other than “grouped battle.” Again, I have my good points to this level. It was very Jazz friendly, fairly easy to get around for most areas. By the way, you never made it so it’s impossible to get the powerups without having to warp, eg.(ice powerup) Other than that, not bad. Weapons/Placement: Again, I wasn’t too impressed with this aspect of the level. Yes, the weapons are sparse, and no, they don’t really have much of a variety to them. Rectangular shaped ammo is quite boring. Add more variety to it. As for placement, I didn’t have a problem with that. Good placement, there. My additional comments to the level are as follows. “Trio Space War” is more a battle level than it is an Assult/Survivor level. I found it a bit boring, not much layer three or sucker tubes or anything, mostly just running around in circles killing people. I didn’t think this level requires too much if any strategy at all. The idea of yours is okay, but it can use improving. As for the rating, overall you get a 6.5 Yes, it’s a little disappointing but you have potential. Keep working on it! Download Recommendation, maybe.. It depends all on what you like, really.

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    American Posted more than 21 years ago


    This isn’t really a new gametype technically, but more of a twist on battle (don’t let the fact it’s listed as “assault” fool you – it isn’t assault.) “Trio Space War” is, in fact, a battle level. However, the game is played within three arenas. The red arena, which seems to be the barren landscape of an alien planet with it’s many hills and slopes. The blue arena features a blue-colored planet which resembles the moon. This area has mostly even ground but leads to a hill which eventually ends up at a gap that leads into a small passage below. All three of this lands are connected be a series of warps, reperesented by “bulls-eye” rings that are the color of whatever planet is lead to. This warps, while an interesting idea, are both a good and bad thing. During play, players frequently found themselves falling into warps they never wanted to enter in the first place. You then had to find an appropriate warp to get back to the correct planet. By the time I was able to do that, opponents will probably be long gone. However, this also added to the fun. Play was chaotic. While some people may not like that, it does add to the level’s fun factor. Some games (especially one-on-ones, which this level is good for) end up being some strange hide-and-seek/tag hybrid where players are running around trying to find eachother. I have some gripes with the level’s eyecandy. In some places, it just looks “off”, especially on some of the floors. However, the craters look spifftacular, and most of the questionable eyecandy problems (except for the blue planet’s half complete-looking ground) were related to the crater use in the blue planet. The green planet had the fewest eyecandy bugs. Some passages were way too small, and could quickly become annoying, especially when you are being chased or following many people at once. If two players are going through the opposite way, there will be problems. There are also a few dead ends. For a level with this hide-and-seek-like gameplay, I was disappointed with the weapon placement. There was few weapons, and they seemed to be placed so very few bottlenecks other than near powerups were made. This level is too Jazz-friendly. Make it more Spaz-friendly or Jazz will have too large of an advantage. Other than that, it’s a pretty good back, though not the greatest. It’s a case of a good idea with execution that could have been better. Still worth a download for battle fans, though.

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    Shen Posted more than 21 years ago


    I actually thought this was a battle level as well, if a slightly original one. I didn’t really understand the layout of the level, so I’ll do my bestest to review it.

    It makes good use of Disguise’s Spacey Universe tileset, and I haven’t seen any glitches or bad corners. However, I didn’t see much attention to detail – there was just a few craters on the blue zone, and some overuse of the credits. Also, some of the tiles could have been used, but weren’t. Other than this, I found it a little boring – for example the Level 8 has no auto movement, and there’s no other background layers that I’ve found. I know there’s not many background tiles in the tileset, but if that happens take some tessalating ones and make them transparent. Also, in the ‘enclosed’ areas on futuristic levels, make the background semitransparent to make a part-see through wall so the parralaxing background shows through. Looks pretty :)

    The idea was good and original, but also could’ve been better. I didn’t start off with a powerup very often either, and there wasn’t much ammo in the green room, so if you don’t like the Blaster you won’t do so well when you run out of ammo. I also found the room changint thing quite weird – you could find your way into all the rooms again apart from the rocky planet one. In the blue zone, there were a few springs that got in the way and a blaster powerup that I couldn’t work out how to reach because of an oddly-placed warp. Also, I’m not so keen on enclosed areas with lots of blocks in them, like the big green room in this level. It’s hard to attack someone, with all those blocks and stuff in the way. Finally, I couldn’t find any layer 3 usage or secrets to find. It got a bit boring, eventually.

    This level has lots of potential. It was fun at first, but I eventually got bored of it and started writing this. You could’ve added some more stuff in it, like tubes or belts or secret areas, and spiffed up the other layers a bit. As it is now you’ll just wander around aimlessly looking for anyone to shoot at, in a big green room. It’s not the best, but if you spruce it up a bit you may have a good, fun level to play :)

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