Here goes Oasis!

  • Rating: 9

Reviews and comments

    RSPSS FR Posted more than 21 years ago


    Ok, since you billed this as “multiple”, I’ll rate both the level and the tileset.
    The tileset-
    Nice eyecandy. It’s very versatile. You can make an Oasis (duh!), a town, and even a desert (if you don’t use the palms). It manages to make almost everything look nice. I have only one complaint. It seems to be missing one thing which makes an Oasis an Oasis- water!
    The level-
    Very nice! It demonstrates the tileset well, and also manages to be a good level. Lots of secrets, and a good amount of eyecandy also. Very playable-able, it has a good enemy and ammo placement. It demenstrates all of the tileset, as far as I know. It is very good quality for an example level![This review has been edited by RSPSS FR]

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    Violet CLM Posted more than 21 years ago


    Way better then Persian Paradise, but then, that applies to quite a lot of tilesets. Oh well.
    Anyway, Oasis is a desert tileset with palm trees, but no water. In fact, by the looks of things, any water made in this tileset would be all muddy. So you wouldn’t want to rest your horses at this oasis.
    It feels like Forest, really, only that the tiles look different (same stuff, same versatileness), and there’s a bunch of building tiles. They look a bit hard to put together at first until you get used to it. One of my only complaints is that the doors and windows are just a bit too small.
    Basically there’s tons of cool stuff, everything looks good (although I’m of the impression the background eyecandy is just a little bit too cartoony), the tiles offer lots of possibilities, etc.

    Now the level.
    The level’s good. It’s quite short unless you go for all the secrets, sadly, and it overuses little platforms with gem crates attached to the right side of walls, but other then that. It obviously enough uses the eyecandy well, and all that.

    I’m slightly undecided between a 9.2 and a 9.0, but I’ll go with a 9.2 because it’s just darn cool.

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    Taz Posted more than 21 years ago


    Ok, i gotta heck out of here and gotta rate Oasis :p

    This time a deserty one. Wow, we are arabian style this days, first Persian Paradise (nice tileset) and now Oasis (Nice tileset).
    Oasis is a very hot desert, with egyptian houses, hurts, and everything wat a nice tileset need. It have also a new “Blade” sign, wich rule :-P
    You have evil-sand-monsters of 1 tile, palms on layer 6 & 7 & 4 & 5 &1 perhaps. There are nice leaves, kewl ground, a ery blade-style (duh) tileset, and i MUST (drat) give this a (dratty) 9.

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    Super Saiyan Posted more than 21 years ago


    Howly ****, Ill have to admit, this is a heck better then the tileset Disguise and Mirrow maid for me!$%^&*&^$%^$#%&

    Well I dont have much to say, all of the graphics are darn perfect wich makes the game enjoyabe. There is nothing wrong with the masking and the included example single player level is very well too.

    I also have to say, this is really ONE of the bestest tilesets ever. Good work and a DoWnLoAd ReCoMmEnDaTiOn!

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    mirrow Posted more than 21 years ago


    Whheeee i really love it :

    Tileset ..awesome !!! I especially like ur style eg. the cord for the fountain u made it with only less colors but ,however, it looks perfect .. Then the level.. it is relly nice to play not too hard and not to easy with some safepoint and more options to go…
    Yea in my opinion this deserves a 9.5 .. I love this

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    Blackraptor Posted more than 21 years ago


    I must admit this tileset is ruxors. It has many BEAUTIFUL tiles and many things can be done with it, like shown in the level, to make it look outstanding. It has an outdoor scenery with beautiful backlayer eyecandy, a cave scenery with beautiful plants coming out from the walls, and a beautiful town scenery. Need more to say?Fine…..

    My long review


    First, enemy placement: Was good, not as best as it could of been, some enemies, 2 or 3, were badly placed ,but overall average placement. Not to hard like mine, not to easy liek agama’s.
    Gameplay: Yes, yes, everything was good here, direction was straight forward, you should of made there be more than one way to go, but it was great, lots of secrets and pickup on the way.
    Eyecandy::O:O:O:O:OKEWL The eycandy was EXTREMLY GOOD, barely any flawd, some of the eycandy was used to hide secrets, and things, excellent tileset use (even if it is your own). I just loved the eycadny. It made me stare at it in amazement for a while ;P.
    Tile placemet:Of course since it is his own tileset, the placement was excellent making the level look beautiful as well as detailed.
    Pickup placement: Although people can complain it is overused, i dont. I like these types of levels which have many secrets and pickups to slow you down. The level never gets dull that way, and I like it. Maybe you could make an SP pack with all your tilesets included in it, that would be cool.
    Eyecandy(tileset): The eyecandy can be superb when the tileset is used properly, like shown in the level. It just makes you feel so happy when you look at the xamplelevel, because it ahows what can be done with the tileset.
    Tiles: The tiles, although some look familiar to other tiles in other tilesets made by blade, just differently painted, look cool. The backround eyecandy is there, the destruct blox are there, there is more than one scenery so u wont get bored, what more needed to say.
    Other stuff: Although there are few animations, and no suckerz, i still love the tileset, but this brings it down to a 9.5 instead of 9.7. I must admit i like this more than some of agama’s tilesets, and i reccomend you to download this as soon as possible. I look forward to any battle levels made by this.

    [This review has been edited by Blackraptor]

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    KILLERRABBIT Posted more than 21 years ago


    Excellent level and tileset! Spectacular, nice, small level, but detail and- ememy placement makes up for it.
    Very great level _ hope to see more of your levels, tilesets, and battle backs soon!
    Ðrâgøôñ ÐK
    Iced Killer

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    Superjazz Posted more than 21 years ago


    Splendid! Good work, the graphics were great and level and tileset too.

    I should make an episode of this tileset, but I’m very bad background maker. I have problems to get layer 5, 6 and 7 background tiles “living”. And I have few other episodes unfinished. What should I do?

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    Black Ninja Posted more than 21 years ago


    Hmm. what to say..well, not much. but it is a very, very good tileset. Not any obvious flaws. I did notice, as someone that i forgot the name of said, there is no………water….but its still a wonderfully done tileset.
    get it or you’re a foo.

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    Sacrush Posted more than 21 years ago


    this is fantastic.The level is big and cool to play and the tileset is very good download NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Arclite288 12 Apr 2011, 21:02 (edited 13 Apr 11, 23:54 by Violet CLM)

    2.2Not recommended:

    Hm, yet another tileset that received over double the rating it deserves.

    Even a very capable JCS’er like EvilMike couldn’t do this tileset justice, and you know what he’s capable of (DevRes). If one of J2O’s elite JCS’ers can’t make a level look good with your tileset, that’s (quite bad).

    This tileset has extremely low quality, if it has any quality at all. I give this a 2.2.

    I don’t pull any punches if someone’s work is of (subjective) quality. Get used to it.

    [You’re going to have to pull punches if you want to stay around. Severe negativity removal. ~cooba]

    (Review changed to quick review, since no justification is given for the rating. ~Violet)

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