Hmm……I like this one. It has a slower beat, which im sure this music will never be used for race levels, but it ha a melodious tone to it which made me go off to dreamland listening to it. Some parts i liked, some parts i didnt, but there is one thing i can be sure of, this is a great music conversion and that acid makes good music. I liked this way better than the other music conversion of Fanolint, and I hope you keep making music conversions. Good Luck
I can tell one thing, this one lost its old atiode, and for say it honestly, I found very disguistng to listen to.
I don’t like the tunes you used, and it dosen’t really mind me much of Fanolint anymore.
:@ #_$
Posted more than 21 years ago
Nope, sorry. Doesn’t do it for me. And what’s that helicopter doing in there? :P
Though it’s a welcome relief from your usual style, I do somewhat prefer your other remixes.
Posted more than 21 years ago
The helicopter is supposed to be like a FAN. As in FANolint. I know it sounds like a helicopter. Kills MPTracker