Hocus Pocus Magic Gem Hunting 2

  • Rating: 6.8

Reviews and comments

    Violet CLM Posted more than 21 years ago


    I find any level that advertises its having “new failures” suspicious.
    Anyway, while rather evidently a sequel to the other one (the other one is also included in the .zip, but I found it best not to rate that..), the idea has gotten some upgrades. This time, instead of collecting 1000 gems, you go into three dungeons (still full of gems) and find the “magic switches” which are marked by having gem tiles on either side of them. Once you hit all three, the fourth dungeon opens, wherein you open a combination lock, then see a bit of foreshadowing for the sequel.
    The dungeons vary – the first two are rather linear, you go through them a while, find the switch, then find the way back (there are potions to help you do so – blue teleports you (using sucker tubes), grey lets you fly, orange stops your flying), but in the third one you have to hit four crates before you can find the magic switch (which will also get you out of there)
    A variety of ground blocks is used, as you might expect, though there are a few bugs that come from him using all four different enviroments – for example, the magic switch gems are on the background from Hocus02 (the tileset), though they appear on the background of Hocus01 (the tileset) at one point. Speaking of backgrounds, that’s one of this level’s failing points – though it’s not entirely its fault – the background doesn’t really work. It use the pillars from Hocus04 (the tileset) wrong, and the mountains have no base – because the Hocus backgrounds don’t work without the status bar. The author, however, didn’t seem to know you can have a Blank status bar (that doesn’t talk about crystals, level number, and TT-JJ2).. oh well.
    This level is a definite improvement over the other one, but parts of it prevent it from getting a higher rating.

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    BtsfplkVR(Lem_Gambino) Posted more than 21 years ago


    1st level: Same as the original, but with a few diferences:
    -There’s a Bilsy Boss at the end
    -The bonus warp takes 50 coins intsead of 100
    -Layout has changed slightly
    I beat my previous record of 1092 gems; I got 1108 gems in this level.

    2nd level: Fairly linear; you have to hit switches & smash crates to move on in the level.

    A bit better than the first level, I await the third level with interest.;)

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