Nightmares in hell

  • Rating: 6.7

Reviews and comments

    spazz Posted more than 21 years ago


    Very good level… Woud jou please review my level???(Devans Revenge episode 2,3 and 4)

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Blackraptor Posted more than 21 years ago


    Im not sure if i would rate this an 8 comparing to other levels.

    The music choice was ok, i liked the music, it didnt go with the level to much, but i liked it. The ammo placement was mostly boring squares and rectangles, and could of been more fancier. The springs are way underused, nad could of been used much better. I didnt see anything wrong with the eyecandy and im glad that elmer took my advice for the level. I cant say much about the pu’s except their placement is more blue team biased, the red team will take longer to get to the pu’s. The platform placement could of used springs, it was quite annoying with jazz doing uppercut all the time to get up. In some places the level looked bare, so i didnt like this as much. I think it deserves a 6.5 or around that mark, but i gave it a 7 because it had some good points in it.

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    MoonBlazE Posted more than 21 years ago


    BunnyElmer likes jumping, fairly much.
    This level serious needs more springs, than the few blue ones, there’s alot of places where there should have been a red spring, there because this makes it a bad CTF level, because it’s hard to get around.
    Yes, BunnyElmer did choose some nice music, but it’s not likely better than the orginal d*mn song, which evryone has when hosting.
    Red rox at defending their base because it’s harder get in and out at their base, while on the blue base you just sweep in on a blue spring, that does alot difference on which team you’r on.
    I don’t like the way you grap the powerups very well, and I’d say electro blasters should have been placed in the level, instead of using bounchers all the time.
    Also, it’s a very open CTF level, TOO open, there’s a lot of empty space in the level, and when going up in the level, you folow the platforms from right to left, then left to right, that’s not something for a CTF level, sinice you make a kind of death end by do it like that.
    The eyecandy is lazy, there aren’t enough eyecandy on the platforms, and most of the platforms dosen’t even have eyecandy. That makes the level work anymore empty than it already did.
    Overall, this is a empty CTF level, and not really wroth download.
    Work more thought on your levels.

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    RagE XR Posted more than 21 years ago


    I have to agree with MB on most things.
    There’s a few things I’d like to add:

    -All platforms look the same. That makes it hard to know where you are.
    -The navigation sucks, especially for Jazz
    -Some dead ends

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    American Posted more than 21 years ago


    BunnyElmer’s love for jumping mentioned in Moonblaze’s post is definitely fact. This level, which obviously draws a great deal of inspiration from Bloodbunny’s “Bloodbunny’s Lair”, contains a heck of a lot of platforms. Generally, I hate platform hopping in Capture the Flag levels, but it isn’t as bad in this level as in some others. Still, I would rather not have to hop from platform to platform. This level suffers from what is admittidely a poor layout. The two capture the flag bases sit on opposite sides of the level, defeating much of the purpose in climbing up and down the perilous “skipping stones” of platforms in order to get to the top part of the level. The only level in which a layout like this really works for me is EvilMike’s “Distopia”, but making a layout like that of Distopia work requires both great skill, a heck of a lot of patience, and a lot more planning than anyone is willing to give a level (except EvilMike). This level’s drawing from Bloodbunny’s Lair is apparent in nearly every single aspect of the level. However, this just ain’t no Bloodbunny’s Lair and you shouldn’t expect it to be that good. The level’s layout is really the part of it that needs the most work, but nothing else about it reaches the high standards that Bloodbunny’s Lair set many moons ago. Eyecandy, while not extremely good, is sufficient enough to prevent the level from looking ugly. Flow, mostly due to the particurally annoying platforms, is bad, especially if you happen to be playing as Jazz. Jazz users will hate this level. Despise it even. This is mostly because of the cumbersome platforms that make it so hard for their bunny to navigate around the level with ease. Double jump really, really, really comes in handy here, and I would recommend playing as Spaz if possible. For Spaz users, layout is probably about average. Nothing to write home about there, unless you are Jazz, of course. Weapon placement is unnotable. There are not too many weapons in this level, which is good, but sometimes there was a bit of a weapon drain. Still, weapon placement was possibly the highlight of this level. As much as my review sounds negative, their are some redeeming factors. It is still a solid level, but nothing more than that. Recommended download and a 6.7 for the CTF freaks out there, but everyone else may want to avoid this Bloodbunny’s Lair-inspired but still borderline average Capture the Flag level by BunnyElmerXD.

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    Enigma Posted more than 21 years ago


    I wouldn’t exactly call this level junk, but there’s some room for improvement though. For a start, you should try to get some more eyecandy in the level. It mainly consists of small and medium-sized platforms, which all look very plain. The tiles fit together, but that’s pretty much it. This level is also very spaz-biased. It wouldn’t be the first, but in this one, jazz players will really have trouble keeping up. The powerups and carrot are well placed though. Unfortunately i can’t say the same for the ammo in some places. I really wouldn’t recommend putting over 50 units of ammo in one single place, and definitely not in 3 different places of the level for 3 different weapons. Other than that, i felt like there were a tad too many seekers in the level. Games might get pretty boring when people never run out of seekers. As for gameplay, i dunno really… the platforms don’t make me feel too well about it, it could use some more normal floors other than just the bottom. Some springs wouldn’t hurt it either (maybe jazz could move around better that way for example). And the music and level don’t fit together too well imho. The regular heck music might be better.

    I’d say this is a nice basic level, but it can be improved in a lot of ways.[This review has been edited by Enigma]

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    blurredd Posted more than 21 years ago


    You said this was suppose to be like Blood Bunny’s Lair, right? It’s not as good, but it’s decent.


    You tried modeling the level after BBlair and yet failed somewhere. It’s good enough, but still could be better. For starters BBlair had more warps in it and a little more balance. Maybe some more springs could help with the gameplay; the layout seems a little spaz-biased in places. Try avoiding long areas of flatness (like at the top), especially those without any ammo or anything. It’s almost pointless. You could have also tried checking the masks. There were a few masking errors like at 49,46 and 118,21. They’re small so I guess you could ignore them, but my advice is to always check the masking in the level.


    Average. Nothing else to say here.


    The carrot placement is… somewhere between good and bad. The full energy carrot near the top is placed alright, but the one near the bottom seems almost impossible for Jazz to get (except maybe with electro blaster). The ammo placement is… I don’t really know. It’s either in a rectagle shape or in a straight line. Go figure. I have just one question: Am I suppose to be able to get the toaster powerup without the coin warp? Because if I’m not, you should probably fix that.


    Maybe like once. Nothing too special. A 6.7 for this level.

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    Spear XD Posted more than 21 years ago

    Hi this lvl is ok.

    -CTF: GOOD 8
    -IDEA: OK. 7

    24:3 = 8

    norbii Posted more than 21 years ago

    Nothing special, just another CTF level

    (Nothing special, just another rating removal. -traftoN)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]