Originally posted by BlurredD:
Unfortunately for you, I’m in a reviewing mood today. Basically not that great of a level:
It’s good in some areas of the level, but improvement is need in others. You put some obstacles in it; I don’t know why but it takes away from gameplay. Maybe too many springs. I don’t really know, it’s something though. Maybe get rid of the coin warp in the bouncer powerup room. Or not, it’s your choice. And is there a real purpose for using a frozen spring? It’s not really worth going out of the way to unfreeze to get some measly ammo.
I would say it’s good, except the leaves look too squared off in places. And some of the leaves you put in the 3rd layer add some confusion. And what’s with the transparent tiles in the trees? That’s not going to help your rating. You should have just made it the way Agama did. Everything else seems OK.
This is what hurts your rating the most. Is there only one carrot that I can access? It’s not even a full energy carrot. I might have missed something when I was playing in the level, but this is what seems to be true. And the ammo: small patches of ammo in almost random places. And you managed to use ice and TNT (the two least usefull weapons in most CTF levels). You probably want to stay away from those unless they’re absolutely needed in the level. I suppose you could leave the TNT in since you could use it to get the toaster powerups (you should have used just one instead of two), but that’s about it. Oh, and I hope you don’t mind that I can get the bouncer powerup without the warp, but I guess it won’t make the greatest difference.
You decide for yourself. I probably won’t host it. I’ll give a 7.2 for the level.
One more question: Why didn’t you make the last Dark Forest level loop back to the first level? You should consider fixing that.
I quote this because I think it is such useful information. In fact, I wrote quite a long review, but it was not nearly as good as this.
This level is highly overrated, and it seems that most of the parties responsible for this overrating are members of the XD clan, which Onion co-leads. Hmm.
This is an above average but not notable level. It features livable, but still not great, flow coupled with some pretty lame weapon placement. Playing it was not bad, and was enjoyable at some points, but otherwise was unexceptional all the way through. Some parts of the level were way too linear, while others were too spacious. A level of contrasts that may contrast a bit too strongly. Still, it is a worthwhile play, though I’m not sure I can say that it is a definite keeper. Play it for a while, and then throw it back to see. Heck, you might hit some overrators.
(And a 7 and download recommendation for this.)