Prehistoric is a 224×65 big level, each base is placed in each site of the level, and your start position is multiplayer, and makes you start at your own base.
The level is basicly flat, it’s supportly like a landscabe, there’s a kind of house, an underground cave with water, and a tree you can climp up in for jump over to the secret.
While this is so great in size, it makes it imposible for you to have a chance for each your opponents base if you’r killed.
In this level, red has an advantage of getting to the powerup faster than blue because the platforms leading up to it starts around blue base.
You can swim down in the underground water cave, but beware, the path is too long, so you’r bait for hunters with pepperspray.
While the eyecandy is sorrowfull not really good, KillerRabbit placed some dinosaurs which you can hit. That’s just a waster of time sinice they are only used as eyecandy.
Those Dinosaurs should have been set at layer 5 or 3 so they wouldn’t come in trouble for the players.
The holes in the bridge are created by colapse senerys, which makes it a giant death end if you come from the downside of it. That’s really an easy way to get trapped in.
If you’r hunted out to the left side of the level, you meet a death end, which also posible means death to you.
Let’s also point out that by the 2 dinosaurs and their eggs, there’s holes down in the ground. Those holes looks really bad
Over Red’s base there’s a full energy carrot, and a pepperspray powerup. That makes Red’s adavatage anymore great.
For saying it honestly, you didn’t place ammo, except a lot of fast fires gathered on ONE place.
That makes an awful gameplay, with loads of camps at the powerups, which is the only ammo you can get.
The layer eyecandy is very bad, it’s just the same tile of rain, a flashing white tile behind, and you even wastered a layer on the thunder, sinice you could just had made the rain animate.
Overall, you shouldn’t have done it like a landscape, you should have placed ammo, and you should have worked more on eyecandy.[This review has been edited by Moonblaze]
Posted more than 21 years ago
2. A second version can be worser.
3. The review:
I had to play this in SP, so don’t be mad at things I can’t see in SP.
I already reviewed this in your server, and i already said that there where too many dead ends. You edited it. MB, you need glasses. There are some suckertubes. The gameplay is ok, you need only to make more one way and no confusing things like walls and after the wall you can go in the wall. Next and under to the red base there are some collapsing scenery and they collapse, duh, but then you will come in a waterfall with a big dinosaur and many grapes in it. Left in it is one of the only dead ends.If you swim right you will see many rocks in a tunnel and later you’ll see a Blaster PU, with everywhere (Phew, not too many) fastfires. If you swim further you’ll come to a-ilke-adead-end but it isn’t, there is a sucker. Go in it and you’ll see a the blue base. Around the blue base are trees, some trees have nice apples and some dinos with eggs, if you reach the eggs you will be Yikes! Never mind.. Next to the blue base on your right hand is a tree with a carrot in it. Left to the blue base there are apples and a full heal carrot. You’ll have to fix that, too many carrots will mess up the game. If you run further you’ll come in a tunnel, a little one, what needs one way, because you can stand on it. If you run further again you’ll see the red base. That’s the whole level.
Overall eyecandy: Ok, but it needs more 6 & 7 things.
Overall gameplay: Ok, but needs more suckers and one ways.
Overall weapon placement: There aren’t so much weapons in this level, but the food placement is well done.
Overall Overall: Ok. The collapse scenery are lol and some text strings make the game fun.
Overall @ Moonblaze: There aren’t many secrets and if they are, they are not so hard. Please look further then your nose long is.
Overall to Download: Download reccomedation. If you want a middle-mighty level.
Ok, first the tileset use
The tileset is used well, not much is wrong, although there WERE bugs.. The lightning was very disturbing and hurt my eyes, and im not to fond of lightning.
The placement: What placement, the level was half empty, except carrots, pu’s and food. The powerups are 2 close together, u need to get one, and make a jump for the other soon after. There was 2 much carrots here in my opinion.
The base placement wasnt the best it could of been…
The eyecandy wasnt the best, id say it was around average.
Hmm…If i were to rate this, id rate it 6.7 or 6.5, but id rather leave it N/A, because im not sure if my rating “fits”
Ok, I feel as if my review can be longer, but i will keep it N/A so i wont get any complaints about rating too low or something.
The eyecandy: There is eyecandy here, but it is poor or average. The dinosaurs should all have been placed on layer 5 and 3, and the trees are VERY confuisng, not knowing which ones are masked and which arent. The water looks crappy here (no offence) and the tunnel just takes you one way, it wou;ld have been more interesting if the tunnel split into more tunnels so there woul;d be more to explore.
The placement is very poor (again sorry if that sounds mean), there are food here, but no ammo. Just 3 powerups (at least i foound 3) and some fastfires, which are all bunched up. This brings down the rating by a lot.
The CTF bases arent the best they could be, but i’d settle with them, knowing how hard it is to make both teams have a fair advantage. They could of been better though, but then again, that goes for a lot of CTF levels.
The layout is basically 2 wayed, you just take one pass, either land, trees or underwater, and end up on the other side, and just take the same path back to end up where u were before. There is no detours which you take that you end up in secrets or anything, and no ammo to slow you down and to make the level interesting.
My conclusion is that this has a lot of potential, but could of been done way better. More ammo and more secrets could of been added, and the level could of been bigger so there will be more to explore. But it is a good effort and worth a download reccomedation.
[This review has been edited by Blackraptor]
AT least thats a semi-decent review :)
I also re-uploaded it. A few changes too.[This review has been edited by KILLERRABBIT]