Posted more than 21 years ago
I think this is your first level, because of bad use of tiles and no animation, if you want to know, you can make animations by clicking in the yellow like square in the animation window, and then hold crtl and click the tiles you want to animate. You can also better place the tubes at layer 3 and keep layer 4 empty at those places. But pinball levels are never good, because players like to play and not to watch…
Interesting concept, but’s poorly implemented. The bumpers a too close together, the suction tubes a painfully slow, & there’s no exit or next level setting. No download recommendation.[This review has been edited by BtsfplkVR(Lem_Gambino)]
Posted more than 21 years ago
“Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Pinball” would be a possibly new interesting concept if it is an interesting new concept. Unfortunately, the concept is neither new nor interesting. This level, which uses the fairly uninteresting Tube Electric tileset, consists of basically nothing except sucker tubes, pinballs, and pie (the food event, I am not being humerous.) It uses the interesting idea of placing hurt events under the pinballs instead of the normal warps. Less fortunately, jumping over them are really, really easy and offer absolutely no challenge whatsoever. After that, you are forced to go through an overly lengthy system of sucker tubes from point A to point B. Would it have killed to crank the sucker tube speed up just a tiny bit? Eh? After that, you are dumped in a room where you can either choose one route or another. Both end up in the same place, and you have probably already wasted the time difference there is between the first and second routes just by reading this. After that, you are dumped into room containing mainly carrot bumps. Damaged? If you are skilled enough to buttstomp well, you can heal it all. Not that it will matter much. The warp from the room leads back to the start. Over and over again. While Unknown File may have elected to use an interesting gametype for this level, it is used badly. Still, if this level was much longer and harder, it might even be worth a play. Keep working on levels, and you will probably be quite good one day. While this is not very good, it does show promise.
+ PROS: Interesting new gameplay, while the level was made badly, it could easily be much worse.
- CONS: A somewhat promising gameplay with terrible execution. Barely any eyecandy. Way, way too short.
VERDICT: As interesting as the idea behind it may be, this level is not very good at all, so it gets a three point five out of ten.
Reply: It’s fine. No one can be great on their first level, Unknown File. Keep making levels. :)
[This review has been edited by Trafton AT][This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Posted more than 21 years ago
this really REALLY sux
bjarni why are you giving a bad lvl a 7 !!!???
i give a 2 for this
this is the why
1 suckertubes to slow use layer3 for layer3 tiles (like for the sucker tube
2 No animating tiles Hurt bij a SPRING!
3 to many bumb things
4 why only the same food
5 bad eyecandy
6 no ammo
7 if you go in the sucker your gonna back to the start
I can tell you 1 thing
this music rocks :)
i give this lvl a 2 its bad lvl
by 007
I am still trying to improve my level-building skills guys, sorry if you hate it.