World War Too, which was supported to be “World War Two”, is a 256×64 big level using Carrotus.
Don’t let you fool of the size, because only 1/2 of the level is used, while only 1/8 actelly was eyecandy and ground, while the rest is just radomly placed ammo and air boards.
When you enter the level, you can those between 2 battle areas, a huge one to the left where you’r on air board, and a small flat one with 2 rooms called “bunkers”, which isen’t really a bunker, but just a hole down to a room, while a real bunker would be up on the ground and usual holes to shoot out.
Layer 8 is very bad used, it’s not textured, and it’s sticked wrong together, layer 7 and 6 is placed wrong, if you fly up in top of the level, you can see the downcut of the layer 6 and 7 eye candy from carrotus.
The level itself is extreme empty, sinice it’s most likely you only see the strange background in the arena to the left and in the arena to the right the ground is sticked weird together.
Also, there’s 2 plasma shields in each arena, shields are bad. In the right arena it’s very easy to get it, while in the left arena you have to shot you thought a carrot and run a secret way in.
There’s also a toture room you find by go into a warp which is hidden up around left cornor, the toture room uses enemies, which isen’t displayed in multiplayer.
In the toture room itself, there’s a trig crate you have to get.
When destroyed, you have to be spaz for get out again, if you’r Jazz, it’s just too bad.
You’ll find a patch open to the left by the way you entered the toture room, which leads to a secret “weapon storage”, which is the only place in the level with powerups, and there’s lots of them.
Overall, this is an extreme bad level, it’s bad balanched, bad ammo placement, bad eyecandy, bad layer use.
Download not recommed.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Moonblaze is as positive as usual :P
The level is bad indeed. The background is tiled wrong, and the layer 6+7 speeds are also wrong, which causes the background eyecandy to float around the screen while you’re moving. The weapon placement is unbalanced: at some places there’s loads of ammo and on other places there’s a big empty space without any events. The idea of a power-up room is always used by newbies (not meant in a bad way :)and it doesn’t work well. it’s a better idea to spread the powerups trough the whole level instead of having them all in one spot.
Another typical newbie part of the level is the “air battle” part. This is another bad idea, because you can’t get to the other part of the level then and the players will be seperated. Better make one big level with all parts connected to each other.
Both the “rooms” (air battle and er… ground wars :) are too empty. You should put more platforms inside, and use caves and stuff to make better eyecandy. As I already mentioned you should also make the ammo and goodies placement more balanced.
Overall, I saw worser first levels, but the fact this is a first level doesn’t mean it should get a better rating. Take a look at high-rated battle levels and go here for advanced tips and trics. Better luck next time, and don’t feel discouraged now because your first level got a low rating.
Eyecandy is pretty bad, too much of the level waisted. I suggest making practice levels, just to practice, your level making skills. Keep on practicing until you have gotten better at making levels.. Use the site that Flash gave out for tips. Keep on trying. :P
Posted more than 21 years ago
You have realy done your best. Only you have to work on is the eyecandy. Oh, yeah, in that turtoring room how do you get out?
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
TSF. Don’t make levels in TSF make them in 1.23